Custom Drinks! :)


Stuck in Utah
Sep 16, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
Ok all.. strangely I was listening to Iced Earth just now, and suddenly thought I'd start a thread here about custom mixed drinks.

My wife has created a wonderfuly delicious one called the Screaming Bitch... alas Ill post it here later as she's in bed and I forgot how it's made.

However, I figure we metal freaks must have run across a few here and there. Let's hear them!

Maybe someone could come up with one called the Iron Maiden? :D
Hey how about something strong and sweet for the Iron Maiden-s drink. Something like Everclear (that will strip anything off metal) :grin: for the strong part and Strawberry grenache for the sweet. Now all we have to do is try it out! Any volunteers!! ;) Stay fierce!! :rock: :rock:
I have two, both created back in high school:

The first is called a Black Jack. Mix chocolate milk and Jack Daniels to taste. I never actually tried it, but my extremely drunk freind at the time said it was quite good.

The second is basically a screwdriver with different ingredients. Mix Orange Slice (or other suitable orange flavored soda) and Bacardi 151. This is the only adult beverage that has ever caused me to have blackout(s) and pass out. Apparently I almost drown myself in a river the first time, but that is a whole other!
in kansas city we dropped a jolly rancher into vodka to make our own flavors. lol. that day we also deepfried a pickle. ah, the college years of experimentation!~ that gorilla fart sounds like it belongs on fear factor!!!! :hotjump:
Lord of Delusions said:
Wow, that actually sounds pretty good! I will have to remember that one...
Ya, very enticing! I am having a chocolate chip cookie martini right now. I have some swollen glands due to inner ear infection in both ears (ewwww! and ouch!) :Puke: and it is nice to numb the pain I feel whenever I swallow (get your minds outta that gutter!!!) for a change of pace. ;) Just a mix of vodka and chocolate chip cookie cream liqueur....yummmm.

On another note, I remember an old disgustoid recipe of skittles and beer. Blegh.