custom guitar inlays

lawl what the dictionaly tells me... the 2nd word (sounds gay yeh..) is "mother-of-pearl"
RR i think with a little cutaway on the 20-24 fret, alder, black finish w/o pickguard :p
Sounds good, though i prefer Mahogany myself, but for an RR guitar alder probably suits it more. What kind of bridge are you going for and what pups you putting in it etc.?
^ i will get pics... it will be done at october or november

@ FTF: ibanez edge pro.. yeah mahagony is fine too but ... hell its a RR :D
yeah, the guitar builder told me its the as same floyd rose but the quality (you see the quality if you put them into guitars) pwnz the floyd at any time
HomerJ_123 said:
^ i will get pics... it will be done at october or november

@ FTF: ibanez edge pro.. yeah mahagony is fine too but ... hell its a RR :D

you should have gotten a maple fretboard but i like alder alot, good choice.

i like basswood also. Nice and light, like alder.
ok to sum it up:
i ordered the second (with the "snail" with the dots)
body shape: RR/SV mix
body: alder
neck: maple
fingerboard: ebony
headstock: ebony
tremolo: ibanez edge or low pro (?? tell me whats better!!)
pickup: im not sure about it... probably diMarzio X2N (question: is there a cover available for it? i cant find it on the diMarzio homepage..)
not bad choices
HomerJ_123 said:
ok to sum it up:
i ordered the second (with the "snail" with the dots)
body shape: ibanez rg style
body: alder or basswood
neck: maple
fingerboard: maple
headstock: maple
tremolo: ibanez edge
pickups: a set of PAF Pros a set of Evos or an X2N on Bridge and a Tone Zone on neck (all dimarzios)

pretty nice guitar. And i want the last 4 frets scalloped.
you'd have my custom inlays too? :p

why edge pro and not low pro? tell me i'm curious
HomerJ_123 said:
you'd have my custom inlays too? :p

why edge pro and not low pro? tell me i'm curious

nah i take dots lmao.

and the edge pro just cause of my personal preference. I wouldn't even mind a hardtail, i dont use the whammy much and it is alot easier.
then get a fixed bridge!!! if you dont need it like OMFG just get a fixed bridge!!! its so much better...
calm down? ima down :lol: i just must insist if you dont need it that much, you get a fixXxed bridge
hmmm my guitar builder told me sth different... the lo pro dont have outstanding screws and shit... he knows trust me he's a 1337 Pr0!! :p
anyway ima gonna check this