Cymbal swells with programmed drums - how?

First, isolate the cymbal you want to choke by putting it on it's own track.
Then, if you want the cymbal to last only a 1/4 note long, wth a sudden stop on the last 1/16th note, try this

Lets assume you are using Reaper's default 960 ticks per quater note.

Fist, a disscusion on the difference between cc 11 and cc 7.
Controller 11 (expression) has values of 127 (all up) to 0 (off)
Also. remember that cc 11 is a subset of cc 7 (volume), so if your your overall volume is 100, than cc 11 at 127 has a volume of 100. cc 11 at 64 has volume of 50. and cc 11 at 0 has a volume of 0
Both CC 7 and 11 work in concert

Now go to your Daw event controler drawing pencil, and for a crash hit, start the the first hit at cc 11 - 127 for 720 ticks (the first 3 1/6 notes of the 1/4 note), than draw a 90 degree angle of cc 11 events from 127 to 0, starting from tick 720 to tick 960, and, wa la - a cymbal choke.

Importent: If you have lot of cymble chokes to perfome one right after the other, make sure that each cymbal has it's own track, since, when you raise the cc 11 back to 127, you might get the tail end of the previous cymbal.

Also, if your using a midi for an external module, it is impotant that you give rapid fire cymbal chokes, swells and fades their own track and channel #

Hope this helps,


Makes perfect sense actually! Thanks! I usually just use SD2 for pre-production, so I hadn't really put a ton of time into figuring a solution, but this is sounds perfect.

SD2 already has choke samples, why don't you use them?

I could be wrong, and maybe I need to re-map certain cymbal hits, but I seem to remember the choke samples having way too much time between the attack and the choke to work where I wanted them to...
Does this work? I would have thought you'd just get loads of hits at different velocities?

Sounds like so, it's not perfect by any means. But you can hear the difference between the felt mallet and the regular articulation (last swell was played on a normal sounding cymbal).

Cymbal Swell Avatar X drum.mp3

And cymbol chokes work as fast as I can choke the cymbol on my e kit (it's an after touch message I think).
For some reason I never got many results with just using velocity changes in Superior. I usually load up a separate instance with just cymbals and set the drumstick to "mallets." Just swell the velocity up and it works great for me!
Steven Slate has some recorded cymbal chokes in his packages, but your stuck with the type of cymbal and speed of the choke, so I hope my little tutorial helped.
For cymbal choke, if you're using superior, the cymbal choke samples sound like an envelope! So what you can do is -

1. Select the cymbal by right clicking on it
2. On the right hand bar, click on edit articulation only.
3. Change hit/articulation type to mute
4. Edit the envelope and adjust release to taste

That should do the trick for chokes.
Heres a Programmed Swell of 2 cymbals, a ride and hi-hats. Through the standard SSD All American Kit.

Wow. Damn good job! And with SSD too! The hihat was a bit off, but that's probably SSD's fault, but the rest were fantastic.

I'll try the MIDI out in some other programs to see how it transfers. Can you do slower swells too? These are all pretty fast.
Thanks mate! Will give it a try. I actually had a quick look last night and noticed some of the rides have a "Crescendo" articulation. I think yours sounds better though!
This MIDI didn't sound good (Metal Foundry) at first, same problem as before (too much attack on everything), but as soon as I used Sacha's thing with the envelopes, it sounded perfect. Thanks so much.

Did you have to edit the envelopes in SSD to get it sounding like that?
This MIDI didn't sound good (Metal Foundry) at first, same problem as before (too much attack on everything), but as soon as I used Sacha's thing with the envelopes, it sounded perfect. Thanks so much.

Did you have to edit the envelopes in SSD to get it sounding like that?

No edits what so ever. i Literally opened Cubase then SSD 'All American Kit' (Multi) then imported the MIDI Swell and routed it through SSD and exported. My swell works great with SSD