D V D news

Gronke said:
Ok, have a nice time in your life.

I'd be happy if you don't bother me again with your private messages and the things you write in the forum here. (thanks in advance)

ah im having a very exciting time in my life, eh Henprick! :D :Puke: stay pomp eh ;)
the pre-release DVD's have all sold out, thanks to all who gave to the cause, due to circumstances beyond Bambis control, we've being forced to shut down the operation, until its actually released i.e., fair trade stuff like, so thanks again, and god bless you all! :)
hahah go ed adrian...sounds abit public school boyish that...'go ahead adrian...wooo yes what what'

and you better have saved me a dvd before you and bambi closed down your operations...
@marginalé: That "are you there" piece was quite nice, reminded me of the (scientific)work of Lennart Nilsson..

Speaking about older men, Lennart just photographed the AIDS-virus (I think it was, or was it the SARS?) as the 1st in the world, and well... that was utterly beautiful to look at...
Strangelight said:
A Dying Wish eh

Ey Dunc, are they my royalties sitting on the side of that pic? Whoever is fallin down that pond has spent them I bet. My dying wish.