D20 - Fate (Axe Fx guitars, S2.0)


May 19, 2008
Just came up with a new song not too long ago. This one is going to be on my band's 2nd album, and this is a rough mix at the moment. Axe Fx for all guitar tracks and 3 tracks of bass using Axe Fx, Ampeg SVX, and Sansamp. I used the Hit Factory library from Toontrack and replaced the kick a bit.

Input is always welcome and very much appreciated.

Mix is really well done man. Catchy riff too and good arrangement. Get some Vox on there!
this sounds awesome! how come you used 3 tracks of bass and how did you arrange the bass? Definetly get some quality vocals on the track
Sounds awesome man! Catchy riffs all around. Mix is really good as well. The only thing I'd do is make the cymbals a little more louder, but other than that it sounds great!

And I agree with fizzin, vocals would be the icing on the cake!
I get a Breaking Benjamin esque vibe from this. Sounds really good. Vocals would be so killer. Very well done.
Mix is really well done man. Catchy riff too and good arrangement. Get some Vox on there!

Many thanks! Will do! Vox will be on here as soon as my singer finishes lyrics.

this sounds awesome! how come you used 3 tracks of bass and how did you arrange the bass? Definetly get some quality vocals on the track

Thanks! I like to use 3 tracks of bass because i can get each track to sound different from the other and then blend the 3 together. 1 track is pretty much all lower freqs, another is distorted like crazy, and the other track is just a clean DI signal. I guess i just like the results i have with 3 so i have stuck to doing it that way.

Sounds awesome man! Catchy riffs all around. Mix is really good as well. The only thing I'd do is make the cymbals a little more louder, but other than that it sounds great!

And I agree with fizzin, vocals would be the icing on the cake!

Many thanks! I very much appreciate the input!

I get a Breaking Benjamin esque vibe from this. Sounds really good. Vocals would be so killer. Very well done.

Sweet thanks! I dig BB so i'll take that as a compliment :)
Vox to come!

this shit is tough!!! i hear plenty of cinematic possibilities
Awesome! Thanks! I appreciate the input!
Cool sounding music and the mix too! :)
Especially liked the guitars tone.

Did you compress whole drums bus? Perhaps the cymbals are dark a bit.
A very catchy riff you got there!

Many thanks Clark Kent!!!

Cool sounding music and the mix too!
Especially liked the guitars tone.

Did you compress whole drums bus? Perhaps the cymbals are dark a bit.

Yeah i did compress the drum bus twice. One with very light compression and the other i compressed the crap out of it to get it pumping. I used Cytomic's The Glue on both of the drum buss'