DA BEARS '09/'10


Nov 3, 2004
Hey all!!
It's that time again.....our boys in blue have taken the field in the brutal, exciting, and sometimes disappointing game of football.
Bears at Bills: Bills beat Bears 27 to 20 :yuk:
Believe it or not, I only caught the last two quarters....I totally forgot that pre-season started last weekend. Now, we may have lost that game, but it IS pre-season after all, and they don't really count, right? :lol:
Giants at Bears: Bears beat Giants 17 to 3:kickass:
Good game.....finally figured out that watching the WHOLE game is totally worth it. After watching last weeks game, for what I did watch, Hanie is looking much better....he's throwing the ball.....running the ball (once for a 13 yard TD, which unfortunately was brought back by a holding call on Schaffer)....he seems to be shaping up to be a great back up QB for Cutler. What can I say about Cutler? I didn't get a chance to see him play against the Bills, but what I saw this past week, sheesh.....if he keeps this up, then we may have found a QB that will stick with us for a while LOL (where is Orton?).
Defense was kickin a$$ too.....Brown and Ogunleye led in sacks (5 all together), and they kept the Giants from scoring big, allowing only one field goal.
So.....here we go again!!!!

GO BEARS!!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
Bears beat the Broncos 27 to 17! :kickass:

HAHAHA!!!! I know where Orton is now!!

Still pre-season......they let Dvoracek go.....too many injuries......

Cutler showed great poise....not letting all the "boo's" And "stomping" get to him. He showed McDaniels why the Bronco's shouldn't have traded him. What happened there? Anyone know? I heard something about about a "he said-he said" argument, Cutler wanted to be traded, and then something about him not returning phone calls....etc.

Anyway....Cutler did great!! Led them down the field 98 yards for a TD, threw to Olson for a few 1st downs (I like this guy....think I said that last year too lol), threw to Forte for a TD....basically used all his WR's in the time he was on the field. It's refreshing to see a QB who can move in the pocket the way Cutler does. But let's not forget about Hanie either! That kid is doing really great too! Great throw to Knox (I'm liking this kid too!!) to put the Bears in scoring position, after a fumble by Denver.
Orton got sacked by Briggs *chuckles*, and the Bears defense kept the Broncos from scoring from the red zone multiple times....
Hester....back to his old self.....sheesh that guy can ruuuuun!!
All in all, I actually enjoyed watching this game. It's like it used to be, hard hitting....edge of your seat football!!

Off to play the Browns.....and then.....well....Green Bay for the season opener, sheesh lol!!

GO BEARS!!!:notworthy:rock::kickass:
Hey Annie!

I'm not much for pre-season but did catch a little bit....I'm psyched for the season to get underway, especially in Green Bay on a Sunday night......GO BEARS, let's have a great season!!!
Hey Rycher.....looks like you may at least do OK with Gould......everyone else, not so sure lol.....

Bears at Packers: Packers beat the Bears 21 to 15:yuk:

I have to say though, there were some major highlights, but there were also some MAJOR bobbles and blunders

Ogunleye....WOW!! He was beating Barber off the line everytime for some major sacks on Rodgers, Alafalava (did I spell that right?) got a sack on him too, Manning with the sack in the end zone for a safety, Hester with a TD.
Cutler in the second half seemed to step up his game, threw for a TD to Hester, threw to his "go to" guy Bennett for some good yardage, threw to Olson a few.....he caught it once lol.....
The defense was rockin and rolling basically throughout the whole game, but too many injuries.....

Bobbles and blunders:
Sheesh......LOTS of those!! Cutler seemed to almost be a rookie coming out in the 1st half. Threw 3 interceptions....just couldn't get his footing it seemed. He just looked too nervous maybe......very unsure. He did better in the 2nd half, but to no avail, and then when we had a chance to actually win the game, he throws an interception in the last minutes of the game. WOW.....what a disappointment. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt though.....maybe opening day jitters.....
Just found out Urlacher is out for the rest of the season (CRAAAAAP!!!). He needs to have wrist surgery.....a HUGE blow to the defense, Tinoisamoa (??? lol) is also out with a knee sprain.
Ok...that "fake punt" may have done us in too....it was a really stupid play on Mannelly's part in my opinion. At least he should have talked it over with everyone else first lol. Free play my a$$.....:rolleyes:

OK, so there you have my take on the game.....
GL Rycher with your Fantasy Football!!:kickass:

Bring on the Steelers!!

GO BEARS!!:kickass::rock::notworthy
^ Be careful what you wish for

now playing ... Pittsburgh Steelers - stairway to seven -

Hey.....I didn't wish up the schedule ;) but since we have to play the Steelers.....bring 'em on lol :kickass:

Let me guess....either you're a Steelers fan, or you just don't like the Bears?:lol:
Bears 17
Steelers 14???????????????????? WOW!! haha :kickass:

Hey, it was a like a completely different team this past Sunday and
I'll take it! :rock:


OK.....looks like Gould is the man (boy, lol)!! Won ANOTHER game with a last second field goal...(I'm tellin ya Rycher, ya can't go wrong with this kid lol). It helped that the Steelers field goal kicker couldn't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, missing two key FG's.....
Cutler, at first, looked as though he was falling apart (again) like at GB, but brought it together in the second half. With a 7 yard TD pass to Knox (I am really liking this kid, good choice Lovie!!), one TD pass to Davis. He threw to Hester, Forte, Olsen, basically everyone he could throw to, he did. I'm really impressed at his ability to move in the pocket.....haven't seen that in a Bears QB in a loooong time.
Two sacks on Roethlisberger, both by Brown, until he got hurt (sheesh!!). One interception by Tillman, one fumble recovery by Steltz.....
OK, enough of the Steelers and Bears

Bears beat the Seahawks 25 to 19!!:rock::kickass:

Briggs, Briggs, Briggs!! An interception, a sack.....almost every Bears defensive play, you heard his name. He was rockin' and rollin'! Brown came back, but we lost Hillenmeyer to a rib injury (Sheeeeeesh!!! Too many injuries already. It's too early in the season for this crap!)
Cutler, once again, threw to everyone, Hester, Forte, Bennett, Olsen and Knox (for a TD). One interception early in the game, but he came back in the second half. Looks like this is going to be a "regular thing" for him. It's almost like someone kicks him in his a$$ in the locker room at half time lol.
A Lot happened in this game, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time remembering lol. I finally got a job.....so I've been focusing on getting ready for that!
Off to play the Lions at beautiful Soldier Field!!

GO BEARS!!!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
WOO....however, a few missed field goals away from being 0-3....who
cares, the guys pulled it out, lets just hope Detroit doesn't pull a
fast one on us at home.....GO BEARS! :kickass:
Chris......Detroit.....pull a fast one......really? LOL:lol::lol::lol:
OK....maybe I should keep my mouth shut until after the game eh?

GO BEARS!!!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
Bears beat the Lions 48 to 24!!:kickass::rock:

Let's get the bad news out of the way first....
Injuries: Hillenmeyer, Tinoisamoa, and of course Urlacher are still out, although with the bye week coming up, hopefully at least Hill and Tino will be OK to play. Peterson is out with a knee injury, Hester with a shoulder injury, and Knox with a leg injury (c'moooon guys....get better soon!)
There were no interceptions (yay!), and one crappy call on Brown for a "face mask".....I didn't see it.....did anyone else? Not really too many bad things happened in this game.
Good news: Knox! WOW!! A TD on a 102 yard kick off return!!! That kid sure can run!! TD' by Olsen, Davis, Knox, even Cutler! Great runs by Forte, one for 61 yards. Robbie Gould with a 52 yard field goal!! Did ya see how that baby "arched" to get into the end zone? Gould is kickin a$$ on field goals so far this season. On the defense, Ogunleye had two and a half sacks on Stafford. The half was shared with Brown, and the last sack sent Stafford to the bench with a knee injury. It was cool to see Dante Culpepper throw a few though....happy to see he is still playing.
All in all a great game!! What did I say Chris? Pull a fast one? They tried, but to no avail!! ;)

Bye week this week (let's get some key players back!!)

Off to play the Falcons on the 18th!!

GO BEARS!!! :kickass::rock::notworthy
Oh well, another disappointing Sunday night showing....seems like Jay
just can't get it together for Sunday night games, huh? Oh wait, and
the defense really can't either....special teams let us down with that
big kickoff return.....only shot we seem to have now is beating the
Vikes twice.....and everyone else for that matter! haha :erk:
Sorry I haven't been here to bring ya the scores for the last two weeks, but my new job is taking up all my time.....it's pretty brutal lol

Anyway, Falcons beat the Bears 21 to 14

I think ya summed it all up there, Chris.....no need to add anymore ;)

On the other hand.......

Bengals slaughter the Bears 45 to 10 :waah::erk:

What a game.....it was a disaster from start to finish. What happened? Cutler was even worse than usual in the first half, and then looked like he didn't even show up for the rest of the game. Where was the defense too? All in all, a badly played game. Lots of bobbles and blunders.....after the first half, I kinda fast forwarded through the rest of it as it was just too embarassing to watch (Yes, I tivo it and watch it later). I think a lot of people turned it off after the 3rd quarter anyway.....it was that bad lol.

So we pick up the pieces and are off to play the Browns.....

GO BEARS!!:kickass::rock::notworthy

ps.....we'll see you guys on Friday at Shark City!!
Another beat down, this time at home by the Cards....in a city known for it's defense, we have absolutely ZIPPO and no-emotion Lovie Smith took the reigns this year.....hmmm.....I believe it's time for a new coaching staff!!!!!