Daily events, thoughts.....etc

Daily events: Today I plan on... not leaving the house!! Seriously, had an epic two weeks but today i would like to take the entire day to relax, I shall be watching films, making creme egg tarts, pole dancing, reading... aaaaaaaaaaaahh :D

random thought: is it wrong to find a 63 year old man hot? Bear in mind I'm talking about David Bowie here...
So today I found out that our team won the quiz at the works night out last night... this is the team that put Sony down as releasing Playstation 2 this year... how bad must the other teams have been?????
haha true :p
it was amusing, we basically had a list of news events and a list of dates and had to match them up, so we got the ones we knew, guessed the ones we sort of knew, then just matched the others up as best we could. it was that great moment of having just one news event and one date left... and realising that clearly Playstation 2 was not released this year... "er guys, I think we went wrong somewhere..."
Thought of the day: I LOVE SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!
I've been stuck in an office with a broken shutter so no natural light for three days, woke up today, looked outside, gorgeous sunshine!!! Decided to walk the two miles into town instead of driving and it felt so good! So I got lots of sunshine, walked about 6 miles in total, today is a good day :D
Yeah, it's great to have the sun back, I went mad and took the dogs on an extra long walk this afternoon :)
So i just got back from holiday a few hours ago, awesome week at Center Parcs!!! I went horse riding for the first time ever! Played badminton, went swimming, did some tree trekkin and the high ropes challenge and so much else besides :D
Daily thought: I now officially dislike my birthday and want to move it to another time of year. Since I can't do that I'm going to have an epic fun weekend with friends and try to not dwell on the sadness. Only one more night...