Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I strongly suspect that the main reason you think you need guns, is purely because your constitution allows you to.

I have to agree with this. And no, not because of my feelings about Americans in general, but because I simply feel it's closest to the truth.

(Disclaimer: I'm not trying to go on a anti-US tirade here, just giving my feelings about all this as an outside observer... But I know I'll get shot down in flames, so be it...)

It's very sad seeing the countless stories of school shootings in the US, but it's also becoming background noise. It seems so frequent and the solution is so obvious imo.

But talk to Americans and they're so defiant about being able to have firearms. I really feel that America's obsession about defending itself creates half of the problem you folks face. To the rest of the world, it is clear that you guys have paranoia to a level where you feel you must defend yourselves.

Aside from the usual US/Middle East crap, the reality is that no one really wants to kill you guys, no one cares about the US! And, you folks are doing a perfectly fine job destroying yourselves. It's a real shame and ironically, I only see violence on the same level in another region - the Middle East.

When I see pics from people in this forum posting their guns and knives, aside from it being totally ridiculous, I think it's actually quite disheartening that many Americans have so much anger and paranoia in them that they feel the need to purchase weapons. Simultaneously, intelligent Americans will be the first to proclaim how much they hate propaganda, and yet they seem to immerse themselves in it at the same time. It's baffling & somewhat contradictory to say the least.

Imo the simple truth is that America needs to let go of its distorted practice of its constitution: fuck off the guns, man up and learn to live without them. Yeah, you might go through a tough time at first, but you'll deal with it eventually. It's clear that there's no other solution, and sadly, America's dependence on having guns has become so much so that it's possibly now too late to actually get rid of guns. Catch 22.
Banning guns doesn't make it impossible to get them. You are silly.

Mike: if moving isn't a viable option, complaining about things everyone should agree that people need (safety...? c'mon) isn't a viable option either.
fuck off the guns, man up and learn to live without them.
Part of me wants to intelligently debate that and say stuff like, "Well, labeling your ideology as 'progressive' is propaganda." while another part of me wants to say, "'Man up' and suckle the lawman's teet!?!"
I have to agree with this. And no, not because of my feelings about Americans in general, but because I simply feel it's closest to the truth.

Apparently you and the other guy have never actually read the 2nd Amendment. If you did, then you'd realize that aside from their aesthetic appeal to some, owning a firearm or multiple firearms is to prevent history from repeating. I'd suggest at least taking a quick look at what the 2nd Amendment stands for before talking from now on.

It's very sad seeing the countless stories of school shootings in the US, but it's also becoming background noise. It seems so frequent and the solution is so obvious imo.

Last I checked firearms don't just go off on their own dude. A crazy motherfucker can wreak a bunch of people with just about anything. This is a lazy and weak argument.

But talk to Americans and they're so defiant about being able to have firearms. I really feel that America's obsession about defending itself creates half of the problem you folks face. To the rest of the world, it is clear that you guys have paranoia to a level where you feel you must defend yourselves.

Obviously if you live in a country that supports the right to bear arms for reasons stated in the 2nd Amendment, it just makes sense to use firearms as personal protection as well. Like I said earlier, firearms or no firearms, there are a lot of crazy assholes in the world and owning a firearm is one of the many ways of protecting myself from those crazy people.

Aside from the usual US/Middle East crap, the reality is that no one really wants to kill you guys, no one cares about the US! And, you folks are doing a perfectly fine job destroying yourselves. It's a real shame and ironically, I only see violence on the same level in another region - the Middle East.

lol, ya, aside from the MILLIONS of people in the middle east who hate our fucking guts, no one really has a problem with America right? I guess there's also North Korea, but who cares about them? It's not like they have nuclear capabilities or anything.

When I see pics from people in this forum posting their guns and knives, aside from it being totally ridiculous, I think it's actually quite disheartening that many Americans have so much anger and paranoia in them that they feel the need to purchase weapons. Simultaneously, intelligent Americans will be the first to proclaim how much they hate propaganda, and yet they seem to immerse themselves in it at the same time. It's baffling & somewhat contradictory to say the least.

Did the fact that some people might buy guns and other weapons because they like them ever occur to you?

Also, what propaganda are you even talking about?

Imo the simple truth is that America needs to let go of its distorted practice of its constitution: fuck off the guns, man up and learn to live without them. Yeah, you might go through a tough time at first, but you'll deal with it eventually. It's clear that there's no other solution, and sadly, America's dependence on having guns has become so much so that it's possibly now too late to actually get rid of guns. Catch 22.

One question: Why?
By predictable do you mean the common sensical response?

Also, I agree that people should stop murdering others. But you are making it sound like banning guns would make the murder rate non-existent, which is just naive to think.
Banning guns doesn't make it impossible to get them. You are silly.

Mike: if moving isn't a viable option, complaining about things everyone should agree that people need (safety...? c'mon) isn't a viable option either.

What about complaining that the degree of safety isn't what it could be? If I feel the degree of safety is deficient, I can sure as hell complain about that, right? I can complain that the fact that my tax dollars are going to something that is deficient in nature and that the tax dollars aren't being allocated to improve said deficiency is clearly a violation of this 'social contract' right?

For example, there's a huge difference between an all-volunteer fire service and a fire service that employs a full-time staff. The all-volunteer fire service will necessarily have a response time due to the fact that only one or two people are on staff at a time, making it so that the rest of the staff have to drop whatever they are doing (if they are in the 'on call' zone or whatever my friend calls it) and get to the fire station BEFORE going to the scene of the fire together. They all can't meet up at the scene and change there (for whatever reason). I can complain that my tax dollars aren't being allocated towards an all full-time fire service.
So that people stop killing other people. Simple.
Disarming ~76,000,000 registered firearm owners in order to...maybe...possibly...save the lives of an indeterminate percentage of ~11,000 (according to the DOJ)is simple!?!

Also, I can't help but wonder what the outcome would've been if the ~5000 annual non-gun death victims had been armed when they were murdered? What shall we do to save their lives, I wonder?
By predictable do you mean the common sensical response?

Also, I agree that people should stop murdering others. But you are making it sound like banning guns would make the murder rate non-existent, which is just naive to think.

It is hilarious watching people weeping on CNN and Fox News footage when there's been some teenager spraying classrooms of schoolmates with bullets, yet it's very possible the friends, relatives and associates of many of the people involved are pro-gun and just as defiant regarding weapon ablishment as a number of people on this forum appear to be. It almost makes the outpour of grief for those who get killed by these kinds of violent outbursts insulting to the deceased. What will it take to prove to you people that your gun laws have more harm than good?

As for response... No, not the common sensical response, but the response of someone who is within the barriers of the situation and unable to reposition their thinking to correctly interpret the opinion (whether right or wrong) of someone outside the situation.

I don't mean to imply that banning guns will end violence in the US. Of course not. Your culture is too violently ingrained for this to happen now anyway. But it would certainly cause a shift of some sort. Paradoxically, it could spur even more violence, hence, Catch22 again because America cannot imagine a life without easy access to weapons.
What about complaining that the degree of safety isn't what it could be? If I feel the degree of safety is deficient, I can sure as hell complain about that, right? I can complain that the fact that my tax dollars are going to something that is deficient in nature and that the tax dollars aren't being allocated to improve said deficiency is clearly a violation of this 'social contract' right?

For example, there's a huge difference between an all-volunteer fire service and a fire service that employs a full-time staff. The all-volunteer fire service will necessarily have a response time due to the fact that only one or two people are on staff at a time, making it so that the rest of the staff have to drop whatever they are doing (if they are in the 'on call' zone or whatever my friend calls it) and get to the fire station BEFORE going to the scene of the fire together. They all can't meet up at the scene and change there (for whatever reason). I can complain that my tax dollars aren't being allocated towards an all full-time fire service.

Yeah, so the volunteer or private fire service would be worse because there is no real obligation. :p I agree with you, to some extent, of course. I think you have the right to complain about what your tax dollars are being used for, that is a very good thing to complain about because it is pretty much your job as a citizen to complain about things like that and it is your right to do so in this fine country. Obviously it is not quite so simple as one guy (you in this case) complaining, but yeah if a lot of people complain someone is bound to listen. Whereas in an anarchic system it seems like there would be a lot of logistical problems and problems with "volunteer" forces or merc safety forces not feeling obligated to, because, well, they're just being bought for a job and can just run away with the money with no real punishment (who is there to punish them in this system?). This is a major problem for me with the anarchic/anarcho-capitalist/privatized system.

@Dakryn: fuck off you generic statement spewing faggot. It is seriously gigantically annoying to keep seeing you spout dumb shit like "uh duh hubster they are all slanted, it is the evil stupid mainstream media after all" like you're some kind of goddamn alt. news pariah or something. What you said had nearly no relevance to what he was talking about either because most of his post had nothing to do with the content of those stations...but I digress, you probably saw them and went to "MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS EVIL" mode immediately, right? Fuck off. (if you didn't have pretty similar taste in modern metal to mine, I'd hate you entirely just btw ;))