Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I am not just figuring out the political process in America for the last century. I am a little confused based off this post why you like to ridicule any cynical posting on world events.

To be clear, voting records don't lie, and Ron Paul has a very crystal clear one. Oh well, maybe in 2012 right? But then I believe results are rigged so that hope is a fart in the wind too ;)

So why are you acting like this is something new? You're a goofball.
That just proves you've been a goofball for longer, and that SINCE THE FUCKING ELECTION, you've been making posts linking to dubious sources claiming the same ridiculously obvious shit, sitting in your chair thinking you're posting some mindblowing shit. Get over yourself imo.
You guys are really JUST figuring out that Obama, as a politician, is a dude who's gonna lie to get in office? Who fucking cares about his transparency and promises...if he does things you agree with, you should be happy you voted for him. All politicians lie and deceive. They also do things you may or may not disagree with. Your "critical thinking" really is just linking to articles from various sources about how he's lied and all the "behind the scenes" string-pulling. Obviously this is going to happen. I think maybe I'm just jaded to how corrupt and stupid this world is.

That's the problem... I'm not sure he's doing anything significant that I agree with. He doesn't give a shit about the secrecy of the Fed, he doesn't give a shit about our fascist Bush-era detainment and torture practices, he's got one of the biggest opponents of the Glass-Steagall Act on his economic advisory committee, he's only paying lip service to the idea of transparent government for the most part, and he's almost universally uncritical of anything shady that's going on in Congress.

It doesn't have to be that way, by the way. There are politicians who are quite honest relative to the pack, and who would very much deserve the office of President. Obama just isn't one of them, I think.

I like vihris-gari more and more everyday.

This isn't because you think I'm becoming more and more libertarian or something, is it? I'm still a pretty run-of-the-mill liberal for the most part - I've just been realising these days that a politician's platform may more often than not be secondary in importance to his character.
That just proves you've been a goofball for longer, and that SINCE THE FUCKING ELECTION, you've been making posts linking to dubious sources claiming the same ridiculously obvious shit, sitting in your chair thinking you're posting some mindblowing shit. Get over yourself imo.

Let's be a little fair. Dakryn goes off the deep end a lot, but he also makes some good points about the state of national/world affairs that most people don't think about much.
That just proves you've been a goofball for longer, and that SINCE THE FUCKING ELECTION, you've been making posts linking to dubious sources claiming the same ridiculously obvious shit, sitting in your chair thinking you're posting some mindblowing shit. Get over yourself imo.

So is it obvious or dubious? I think you are so busy trying to bash me that making sense is gettin put on the back burner. Let's just agree to agree on music taste in general :p
...your dubious sources are claiming things which should be pretty much obvious to anyone with a brain for "critical thinking" (which, honestly, to you definitely does basically consist of posting dumb random articles and being generally negative about the United States government). I know that the government is consistently playing the people and that it's ridiculous, but I do not feel the need to post such dumb "open-minded" "look how much research I do guise" stuff because you do it plenty for me.
This isn't because you think I'm becoming more and more libertarian or something, is it? I'm still a pretty run-of-the-mill liberal for the most part - I've just been realising these days that a politician's platform may more often than not be secondary in importance to his character.

Some "liberal" ideas are libertarian at the root. Like the anti-fascist ideas.

...your dubious sources are claiming things which should be pretty much obvious to anyone with a brain for "critical thinking" (which, honestly, to you definitely does basically consist of posting dumb random articles and being generally negative about the United States government). I know that the government is consistently playing the people and that it's ridiculous, but I do not feel the need to post such dumb "open-minded" "look how much research I do guise" stuff because you do it plenty for me.

Critical thinking isn't posting articles. It is evaluating available information and coming to an informed decision (to me). ButI don't see how you can call sources "dubious" if they report (what is according to you) "obvious" information.

I don't believe you think it's obvious though based off your other posts ridiculing any posts critical of government or it's morphing beaurocracies. I could post other stuff I read about other country's governments but with exception to war-related information, it is totally irrelevant to us, so why bother?

Even if said information is "obvious" to you, it isn't to most , and that is why I post it.
That's pretty much a cosmetic/semantic point, and semantics is something you like to play a lot. Libertarians haven't really even been around as an organized, named group for that long. Liberals have been around longer and thus the root isn't "libertarian". Or do you think jazz is metal-influenced?
...your dubious sources are claiming things which should be pretty much obvious to anyone with a brain for "critical thinking" (which, honestly, to you definitely does basically consist of posting dumb random articles and being generally negative about the United States government). I know that the government is consistently playing the people and that it's ridiculous, but I do not feel the need to post such dumb "open-minded" "look how much research I do guise" stuff because you do it plenty for me.

There's a difference, but it has mainly to do with the conclusions Dakryn (and other doom-sayers) draw from the information available. Most people look at the injustices of government and go "oh well - life's not perfect, but it will go on". The argument made by Dakryn and the sources he quotes is that the injustices of the government will soon lead us into unprecedented economic disaster and perhaps the formation of a totalitarian world government. That's far from the "same obvious shit" that makes up the typical political discussion.
This isn't because you think I'm becoming more and more libertarian or something, is it?

No, I just like the fact that you criticize Obama so much. And in fact, most of the problems you have with him are things that I have problems with too even though we're on different ends of the spectrum.
There's a difference, but it has mainly to do with the conclusions Dakryn (and other doom-sayers) draw from the information available. Most people look at the injustices of government and go "oh well - life's not perfect, but it will go on". The argument made by Dakryn and the sources he quotes is that the injustices of the government will soon lead us into unprecedented economic disaster and perhaps the formation of a totalitarian world government. That's far from the "same obvious shit" that makes up the typical political discussion.

I too can post articles from dubious places that aren't fact-checked by independent experts and assume the absolute worst, most ridiculous things from them. But I'll def. leave that to him since it is usually amusing, if painful.
That's pretty much a cosmetic/semantic point, and semantics is something you like to play a lot. Libertarians haven't really even been around as an organized, named group for that long. Liberals have been around longer and thus the root isn't "libertarian". Or do you think jazz is metal-influenced?

Most core libertarian ideas trace all the way back to the classical liberalism of John Locke (a guy who lived in, oh um, I don't know...the 17th century) and perhaps even further back. Both libertarianism and contemporary liberalism developed out of classical liberalism. So it might not be correct to say that one is the root of the other, but they both trace back to a common origin. Libertarianism became a recognized movement mostly because the term "liberal" was hijacked. But people were organized around libertarian ideas well before the term "libertarian" came into use.
I would love to see your source for this, dubious or otherwise.

Edit: LOL@"independent experts".

I like that the concept of independent experts is funny to you, and you probably think they all have an evil agenda of doom, but you'll readily believe shit that backs up your demented worldview. You're a great dude!

Health and safety inspectors are to be given unprecedented access to family homes to ensure that parents are protecting their children from household accidents.

New guidance drawn up at the request of the Department of Health urges councils and other public sector bodies to “collect data” on properties where children are thought to be at “greatest risk of unintentional injury”.

Council staff will then be tasked with overseeing the installation of safety devices in homes, including smoke alarms, stair gates, hot water temperature restrictors, oven guards and window and door locks.

The draft guidance by a committee at the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has been criticised as intrusive and further evidence of the “creeping nanny state”.

Until now, councils have made only a limited number of home inspections to check on building work and in extreme cases where the state of a house is thought to pose a serious risk to public health.

Nice also recommends the creation of a new government database to allow GPs, midwives and other officials who visit homes to log health and safety concerns they spot.

The guidance aims to “encourage all practitioners who visit families and carers with children and young people aged under 15 to provide home safety advice and, where necessary, conduct a home risk assessment”. It continues: “If possible, they should supply and install home safety equipment.”

The proposals have been put out to consultation and, if approved, will be implemented next year.

Matthew Elliott, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “It is a huge intervention into family life which will be counter-productive.

“Good parents will feel the intrusion of the state in their homes and bad parents will now have someone else to blame if they don’t bring up their children in a sensible, safe environment.”

About 100,000 children are admitted to hospital each year for home injuries at a cost of £146m.
On a slightly different topic, I was disappointed but not surprised to see CNN cut Lou Dobbs loose. Dobbs was doing a much better job recently of what i consider independent reporting than anything else on major network news, so of course his time would come to a quick end.

I hope he does not go to Fox and join the bullshit on that network.