Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Do you even give a shit that his administration could be just as corrupt as Bush's, if not more so, or do you think this is all just "conservative bias"?

Anyway, more great news on the economic stimulus:
Exclusive: Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist
Recovery.gov Lists Millions Spent and Hundreds of Jobs Created in Districts Not on Map

Nov. 16, 2009—

Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 9th Congressional District, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the website set up by the Obama Administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.

There's one problem, though: There is no 9th Congressional District in Arizona; the state has only eight Congressional Districts.

There's no 86th Congressional District in Arizona either, but the government's recovery.gov Web site says $34 million in stimulus money has been spent there.

In fact, Recovery.gov lists hundreds of millions spent and hundreds of jobs created in Congressional districts that don't exist.

In Oklahoma, for example, the site lists more than $19 million in spending -- and 15 jobs created -- on Congressional districts that don't exist. In Iowa, it shows $10.6 million spent and 39 jobs created -- in non-existent districts.

In Connecticut's 42nd District (which also does not exist), the website claims 25 jobs created with zero stimulus dollars.

The list of spending and job creation in fictional Congressional Districts extends to U.S. territories as well.

$68.3 million spent and 72.2 million spent in the 1st Congressional District of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

$8.4 million spent and 40.3 jobs created in the 99th Congressional District of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

$1.5 million spent and .3 jobs created in the 69th district and $35 million for 142 jobs in the 99th district of the Northern Mariana Islands.

$47.7 million spent and 291 jobs created in Puerto Rico's 99th Congressional District.
Stimulus Fund Mystery

Interesting facts and figures, but none of these districts exist.

The Recovery.gov Web site was established as part of the stimulus bill "to foster greater accountability and transparency" in the use of the money spent through the stimulus program. The site is a well-funded enterprise; the General Services Administration updated it earlier this year with an $18 million grant.

These figures are still up, btw, if anyone wants to see them. Some screens I took:



"00 congressional district"?

What the fuck :lol:
I assume ABC News has already taken care of that.

And of course it could easily be due to shitty programming on the part of the web developers, but it does go to show that they could just throw out any amount of numbers on that site and not be conveying any real information.
I don't have the time, nor do I think I am completely qualified to do so, especially based on some articles. Also no matter what I say you will dismiss as ignorance of the massive conspiracy of the shadow government, the fed and the lizard people who are trying to devalue the dollar and take our guns.
So do please analyze it in a different light without causing tons of laughter.

Seriously. If you can show us the steps of progress the Obama administration is making on accountability and transperency which make up for the problems I point out, then maybe I'll stop thinking you're still caught up in this image of the man:

I don't have the time, nor do I think I am completely qualified to do so, especially based on some articles. Also no matter what I say you will dismiss as ignorance of the massive conspiracy of the shadow government, the fed and the lizard people who are trying to devalue the dollar and take our guns.

What do you consider "qualified"? Are you an adult, with at least a moderate grasp of the english language? That makes you qaulified to give an opinion on this forum.

As far as lizard people, gun haters, and conspiracies, if you think that the fed hasn't devalued the dollar 96+% since inception, and that Obama and his appointees don't have a very available and apparent anti-gun history, you haven't done any reading to even give an opinion on.

Lizard people was just a weak insult.
Seriously. If you can show us the steps of progress the Obama administration is making on accountability and transperency which make up for the problems I point out, then maybe I'll stop thinking you're still caught up in this image of the man:


I don't have the time, nor do I think I am completely qualified to do so, especially based on some articles. Also no matter what I say you will dismiss as ignorance of the massive conspiracy of the shadow government, the fed and the lizard people who are trying to devalue the dollar and take our guns.

How convenient for you. You have no argument whatsoever, but you couldn't possibly be wrong, so you'll just dismiss all this as "conspiracy theories" and loonie-talk. Maybe you should do a little critical thinking here instead of just resting on your faith in Obama's good-natured campaign promises to save you the trouble.
Well you don't have to convince me that I was overly optimistic about him - I acknowledge that. It only recently began to really hit me how deeply entrenched corporate influence is in Washington, and how utterly meaningless a politician's publicly stated positions can be compared to what they'll actually do in office.
You guys are really JUST figuring out that Obama, as a politician, is a dude who's gonna lie to get in office? Who fucking cares about his transparency and promises...if he does things you agree with, you should be happy you voted for him. All politicians lie and deceive. They also do things you may or may not disagree with. Your "critical thinking" really is just linking to articles from various sources about how he's lied and all the "behind the scenes" string-pulling. Obviously this is going to happen. I think maybe I'm just jaded to how corrupt and stupid this world is.
I am not just figuring out the political process in America for the last century+. I am a little confused based off this post why you like to ridicule any cynical posting on world events.

To be clear, voting records don't lie, and Ron Paul has a very crystal clear one. Oh well, maybe in 2012 right? But then I believe results are rigged so that hope is a fart in the wind too ;) Edit: And the president is supposed to be a figurehead office anyway, not some sort of quasi king. Congress needs to learn how to do it's job instead of taking most of the year off and passing laws it doesn't read.