Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Wait, so part of the reason we went into Afghanistan is to force them to produce drugs? I'm going to pull up a chair for this one. Please explain.
It's a conspiracy theory, I am sure your brother is aware of it, ask him. But conspiracy theories aside, the Taliban had managed to eliminate opium production, until NATO forces went in and fucked up the country.
So because something happened, obviously that was their goal all along? I see. LOGIC FUCK YEAH.
In light of the already existant CIA drug running conspiracy theory, it is considered no coincidence that the first US forces into Afghanistan were CIA (why not the Marines, or Army?), and that since US/NATO forces went in, opium production has exploded back to peak levels.
haha but seriously it has nothing to do with US involvement. The reason we don't burn their fields down, is because we aren't trying to fuck with their livelihood. we are trying to win over the population

Of course there aren't, since you can't exactly have a real economy after 9 years of foreign troops occupying your country fighting the most recent unopposed organized government.

haha but seriously it has nothing to do with US involvement. The reason we don't burn their fields down, is because we aren't trying to fuck with their livelihood. we are trying to win over the population

You can't win over a population while rolling MRAPs through their towns and blowing them up with missles from Predator drones.
haha but seriously it has nothing to do with US involvement. The reason we don't burn their fields down, is because we aren't trying to fuck with their livelihood. we are trying to win over the population
Drug crop destruction is flawed way to stop drugs. I wrote a paper last year about the war on drugs in the Andes and everything I read suggested that crop destruction only fucked over the peasants and drove them to join extreme militant groups. It also raised the price (supply/demand problem) so it just made it that much more enticing to grow coca. We should just let Afghans grow their poppies and spend the money trying to stop people in America from using heroin.
I am all about education about the negatives of drug use, but criminalizing drug use (creates demand due to crimped supply) only helps the middle men, from the cartels to the street peddler. But the US isn't trying to stop drug use, everything the government do (other than lip service) encourages it.
I am against it. It seems petty and is a clear act of discrimination against a minority group. Antagonizing minorities is not going to make them want to integrate. Some aspects of muslim culture (sharia law, myisogyny) bother me, but they can't be dealt with by banning minarets. Frankly I am mostly ignorant of the situation of immigrants in Europe, but my gut reaction is that this is a reactionary move that will only worsen things in the long run.
Cellular Memory?

I was already aware of this possibility a few years ago and have quit being an organ donor for this among other reasons. I think for all that science has discovered about the body, it's disconnect from understanding organic functioning in favor of a machine-like understanding leaves us with a lot of situations like this which bring a lot of difficult questions in to play that, if nothing else, those in the organ business would prefer ignored.
Chicago is a good place

Violent attack shattered lives
Woman still suffers lingering effects of assault, but attacker released early
Jennifer Hall

"I woke up bald -- no teeth, 85 staples in my head -- out of a drug-induced coma," attack victim Jennifer Hall said. (Photo courtesy Jennifer Hall)

In the photo, Jennifer Hall sits beside her boyfriend, Joe Hoffman. Her hair cascaded down both sides of her face and her lips were parted in a half-smile. It was Aug. 25, 2008, her 36th birthday.

"My hair was down to my waist for 20 years," she said. "I woke up bald -- no teeth, 85 staples in my head -- out of a drug-induced coma."

Two hours after the photo was taken, Hall and Hoffman were attacked by a homeless man, Derrick King, near Wabash Avenue and Roosevelt Road, after telling him they didn't have any cigarettes. King and a second person then beat, stomped and kicked Hall unconscious, she said.

When King, 48, pleaded guilty this October to two criminal charges in the attack and was sentenced to three years in prison, Hall and Hoffman thought he wouldn't be able to harm anyone else -- at least for a while.

But just 18 days after that plea, state records show, King was paroled as part of the early-release program that Gov. Pat Quinn on Wednesday called "a big mistake." And the next day, King allegedly threatened another woman, near the same place he attacked Hall, yelling, "Remember the couple who got beat real bad for not giving a cigarette? That was me," police said.

Arrested again, King is back in prison after being charged with assault. Despite the three-year sentence for the attack on Hall, King was released from prison after receiving credit for serving a little more than 13 months in Cook County Jail. He was one of more than 1,700 inmates released from Sept. 16 to Dec. 13 under the Department of Corrections' accelerated Meritorious Good Time Program.

Meanwhile, the last year has been difficult for Hall.

She moved from the South Loop because she was afraid to walk the streets. She separated for a time from her boyfriend. She can walk and talk, she said Wednesday, but her jaw still falls out of joint, she still has seizures, and nerve damage prevents full use and feeling in her left foot.

"It's been hard on me. It's been hard on (Hoffman). It's been hard on our families," said Hall, 37. "But apparently it wasn't hard enough on Derrick King."

Hall and Hoffman had celebrated Hall's birthday Aug. 25, 2008, at a nearby restaurant before heading to a Jewel-Osco at Roosevelt and Wabash, when King and Joyce Burgess came up to them and asked for cigarettes, Hoffman told the Tribune last year.

After telling King they had no cigarettes, the couple started to walk away. Burgess then attacked Hall from behind and knocked her to the ground, said Hoffman, 38. When Hoffman tried to help Hall, King attacked him, then attacked Hall, who was fighting Burgess, Hoffman said.

King ran over and kicked Hall in the head and face, knocking out her teeth, Hoffman said. Hall lost 20 of her teeth, according to a Web site she and Hoffman later set up to ask for help with her medical bills.

On Wednesday, Hall said surgeons later told her that her heart stopped twice while they operated on her after the attack. "He killed me two times," she said.

Burgess, 40, also was charged with two counts of robbery in the attack against Hall and Hoffman but is serving time in Lincoln Correctional Center, records show.

King initially was charged with attempted murder, robbery and assault, but through a plea deal was only convicted of the two counts of robbery; the other charges were dropped. Hall and Hoffman weren't entirely satisfied with the agreement but accepted it, though it meant, Hall said, that King "basically got a slap on the wrist for stealing a cell phone."

When they learned of the Oct. 20 attack on the other woman, they were outraged -- first that no one told them he was out, and that he served a little more than two weeks of his sentence.

"When I first heard about the attack, I went off on the state's attorney. I just went off the wall," Hoffman said, telling an assistant state's attorney, "Why is (King) ... on the street? He didn't even serve half of his sentence."

Said Hall: "I'm angry with everyone over this. I don't think anybody is doing their job correctly. I'm upset with every aspect of this as a whole, and I just want to move on."