Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Concerning that third camp, I'd be inclined to agree; but as you said, it's much smaller.

In some ways, I'll grant that she is a phase in a literary sense. I was far more intrigued, when I read Atlas Shrugged, by the fascinating realization that she had somewhat predicted the future. However, as far as literature is concerned, she's a fine writer in the same sense that Dan Brown or John Grisham is a fine writer (i.e. she knows how to sell a story).
And now another prominent literary author has been proven right.


In the name of safety we have ceded our right not to be searched at airports… almost without a whimper. First we accepted removing our shoes and opening our bags. Then we gave up our lotions, sanitizers and water bottles. Then we accepted being frisked and poked and prodded. Then we accepted having our bodies irradiated and naked pictures being taken and ogled at and saved in the system — in effect allowing government to assume we are all criminals with plans to blow up an airplane — all in the interest of “safety.”
But here’s what really killed the 4th Amendment. Technology and government have taken the next logical step beyond airport scanners. American Science and Engineering, Inc., one of the manufacturers of the backscatter radiation machines now being employed at airports, has made the backscatter radiation system portable.
The Z Backscatter Van™ allows law enforcement to look inside vehicles, buildings and homes just like the airport backscatter scanners allow agents from the Transportation and Security Administration to peer beneath your clothes.
AS&E’s website says the van:
“…is a low-cost, extremely maneuverable screening system built into a commercially available delivery van. The ZBV allows for immediate deployment in response to security threats, and its high throughput capability facilitates rapid inspections. The system’s unique “drive-by” capability allows one or two operators to conduct X-ray imaging of suspect vehicles and objects while the ZBV drives past.
“The ZBV can also be operated in stationary mode by parking the system and producing X-ray images of vehicles as they pass by. Screening can also be accomplished remotely while the system is parked. Remote operation allows scanning to be done safely, even in dangerous environments, while maintaining low-profile operation. The system is unobtrusive, as it maintains the outward appearance of an ordinary van.”


The Supreme Court has to say something about the (un)constitutionality of this.

From what I've looked up about the 4th amendment, the plain view doctrine, the legal definition of "search", and airport searches, authorities looking through stuff with an x-ray definitely qualifies as a search under the law.

And since these cops are just driving around in a van not specifically looking for any one thing, they have no probable cause to use x-rays to look inside people's cars, homes, and businesses, where people expect privacy and society deems that expectation reasonable.

You might think "well duh" but it's not quite that obvious. There's probably still some loophole that allows this junk to be done.
Well, the company who makes this shit said some really goddamn stupid stuff, I can't really be bothered to find the link, but essentially they said "yeah but it's not detailed so who cares if it sees in someone's car, you can't use it to see anything really..."...yeah...okay.

Funny shit. This is still my favorite fight though because a much older man(and a legend) pummels a much younger one.

The Supreme Court has to say something about the (un)constitutionality of this.

You might think "well duh" but it's not quite that obvious. There's probably still some loophole that allows this junk to be done.

The problem with the Supreme Court is that there are barely anymore Originalists(or as I prefer to call them Textualists) who interpret the Constitution only by its plain meaning of the words on the page.

What we have instead are the "living document" people to who the Constitution is little more than a collection of Rorshach inkblots to be interpreted(translation: twisted) for whatever their political agendas may be that day. The problem with that is that there is no objective base and the overriding dogma becomes privy to populism. There is no more rule of law, only the rule of opinion. And IMO, this makes the Supreme Court no different than just another legislative body who wear robes under the guise of Judges(except that we didn't appoint them).

All that aside, anytime there is room for mischief in any government practice, the more you dig and unearth, the more you fill find that it exists. It's the same thing with electronic voting and not actually having your votes count. Anywhere where this has been tried(even in its early stages), there has been corruption.

Similarly with the immigration law. Many people don't realize that racial profiling is only the tiny picture here. The real problem is the further erosion of the already dead and decaying 4th Amendment. Myriad government surveillance is already doing a damn good job of making everybody a potential suspect(guilty until proven innocent). What this law does is provide the police with yet even another form of encroachment into our lives and another reason to hassle people, mexicans or not. What we definitely don't need is more motives for cops to stop people on a whim.

And it simply lays the ground for more mischief. Anytime, you ever hear language like, "The police will be responsible enforcing this new legislation", it is extremely dangerous and downright scary. Period.

As Michael Cloud has said, "The problem isn't the abuse of power, it is the power to abuse."
What we don't need is to give them anymore power.

My wild idea would be to trade all of the illegals who would be loyal to the Constitution for all of the natural born American citizens who despise it. Far too many people have sheepishly let this government run amok and the politicans have wantonly turned their backs upon the American people and have become outright treasonous.

So in short Valerie, we're fucked.

So have a drink and toast to the revolutionary heroes who fought against the Writs Of Assistance and made the 4th Amendment possible. It was good while it lasted.
If you don't have illegal shit on, why are you that fussed?

Oh, let me count the ways---

1. More things are becoming "illegal" every day. Congress creates a new "crime" on average of once every week. If you don't know all the laws, why are you fussed? Oh right, they can still arrest you anyway.

2. There no longer is a presumption of innocence. Everyone is a potential suspect. Last I checked Stalin wasn't in power; oh right, they still have to destroy the prevailing system first.

3. In a free and open society, there doesn't have to be a reason to make things legal. There must be a reason to make them illegal. See how that works? Don't worry. You're not alone. Most people(sheeple) don't. Also, it's the government who should be the ones worrying about doing something wrong, not us.

4. It's INVASIVE. You thought the Patriot Act's warrantless sneak-and-peak searches were bad(well maybe not you specifically). What's sad is that the current citizenry will probably put up with it. Do you think the founder's of this country would?

5. It's unhealthy, no matter what they tell you.

6. Think this kind of absolute power won't corrupt absolutely?

7. We are the only property owners of our own bodies. We have the right to do whatever we want as long as we aren't hurting anyone else. The War On Drugs is an INSANE DISASTER.

8. Prohibition doesn't work.

9. Oh yeah, it's unconstitutional. Did I mention that?

10. Want me to go on?
Well maybe not growing up in America hasn't given me some overbearing need to not be disturbed by anyone at any point because CONSTITUTION AND SHIT.

But if you're stupid enough to bring illegal shit near an airport, or anywhere like that, you deserve to be caught.
Well maybe not growing up in America hasn't given me some overbearing need to not be disturbed by anyone at any point because CONSTITUTION AND SHIT.

That's clearly a straw man argument (You really seem to like making those.) The question is not whether anybody should ever be disturbed. The question is what disturbances are justified.

But if you're stupid enough to bring illegal shit near an airport, or anywhere like that, you deserve to be caught.

Not necessarily. If the illegal shit ought not be illegal, then nobody deserves to be thrown in a concrete box for having it, no matter how stupid the person is. Do you not make a distinction between just and unjust laws or are you as mindlessly authoritarian as you appear to be?
Whether a law is just or unjust, it's still a law and me going "Baaaaw" about it isn't going to change the fact it'll get me arrested.

So either I can be some pseudo revolutionary and complain about the illegalisation of drugs on the internet all the time, or I can deal with it, keep getting high, and just make sure I'm not stupid enough to get involved with the police when I'm doing it.
Whether a law is just or unjust, it's still a law and me going "Baaaaw" about it isn't going to change the fact it'll get me arrested.

So either I can be some pseudo revolutionary and complain about the illegalisation of drugs on the internet all the time, or I can deal with it, keep getting high, and just make sure I'm not stupid enough to get involved with the police when I'm doing it.

So what? What is the relevance of any of this? Nobody besides you is arguing over whether it is prudent or not to have illegal things on your person at certain places. You said that people "stupid enough to bring illegal shit near an airport, or anywhere like that" deserves to get caught. But the fact is that that little principle of yours is morally implausible, which I already pointed out. But you did not even address that. You clearly have no insight to add here.