Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I agree with not voting if there aren't any candidates you support; I'm just saying, how can not voting be considered pragmatic when it doesn't make a difference? It's neither useful nor advantageous.
Well I guess my point is that if it is neither useful nor advantageous either way; at least that microscopic difference would be better directed at NOT encouraging those whom you detest(the demopublicans in this case).

And IMO, if you do vote for them you have no right to complain since you are still microscopically responsible for helping get them into office.
Yea, that makes total sense. I vote for someone based on promises they make and if they renege of certain promises I can't complain about the fact they lied to the electorate. Yea, fuck me, guess I gave them carte blanche with my ballot to do what the fuck they want.
Don't be a goof.

It has already been established that with both "sides", you get more government, not less. So anyone who supports them, regardless of falling for the same old lies and being duped(again, ad nauseam), well then yes- they have no right to complain and are still contributing to the problem of more government and less freedom. Why anyone would still want to perpetuate this inane pattern is beyond me.

It's the same thing as instead of saying, "I wouldn't give you one red scent!". Well guess what? Your vote IS that one red scent giving them carte blanche to do what the fuck they want(since both sides continuously are).

I say why would you wish to give them even that?

People seriously need to wake up.
Because not voting is not going to solve a fucking thing. People will still vote. Me not voting will not make me feel better when things get worse. Maybe you could feel better about that, but not everyone operates on the basis that disengaging yourself from the system absolves you from blame should things not work out. There are alternatives to vote for but since no one thinks they stand a chance of winning, no one votes for them. They like to be on the winning team.
But what are they winning? NOTHING.

It's not about doing what makes me feel better; it's about doing what's right.
It simply serves someone no benefit whatsoever to continue supporting this ridiculous charade. In fact it actually serves them ill.

"The only compromise possible between food and poison, is death".
Shit, I wonder if the U.S. military's occupying Afghanistan just to raid all those poppy farmers and sell the drugs off into the States.

It all comes down to money, man.
That's the whole fucking reason behind the government's shady machinations, be them the military-industrial complex or the prison-industrial complex. It's why no election has ever brought down either of them.
It's just a giant fucking revenue engine to fuel the upper class.