Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

www.smallgovtimes.com(good for news, though they do have a slight neocon/christian slant)
www.humblelibertarian.com(Wes is one cool guy and loves prog metal)
www.freerepublic.com(mostly for the anti-lefty hate and the outrageous art/cartoons that come out of it)
www.nolanchart.com(excellent articles & covers all points on the political spectrum)

And Jimmy, now that I've done that- please post what Libertarian websites which you frequent and also explain to me why, if you can, choose to live in Brooklyn surrounded by droves of dirty, Marx-loving hipsters with super shitty taste in music.
I lived in Brooklyn, once for a few months and I wouldn't live there again rent free.
I'm really just curious because I actually don't fully grasp what a libertarian is. I've been researching it which is why I am asking you for a site or two in which you provided and I thank you.

I've lived in Brooklyn my whole life. Inherited my Uncle's home and actually love Brooklyn/Manhattan, as long as you know where to go and know the right people.

I now live in Brooklyn heights, which is far from a dirty slum

...and you're basically just stereotyping Brooklyn man. When it comes down to Hipsters they are a very low percentage of the population who live in Williamsburg, the lower east side etc.; home of the rich kid get out of jail (middle of the country) free card.

Living in Brooklyn once for a few months doesn't mean you know Brooklyn buddy. You probably just happened to make a shitty choice location wise or probably couldn't afford anything decent. Either way you sound a bit pretentious or maybe misunderstood.
To be fair, you sound like a pretentious New Yorker. I know you believe deep in your heart that NYC is the greatest place on earth, but that doesn't make it so. Also, let me add that I don't have a personal problem with you, just the NYC elitism which is juvenile and annoying.
To be fair, you sound like a pretentious New Yorker. I know you believe deep in your heart that NYC is the greatest place on earth, but that doesn't make it so. Also, let me add that I don't have a personal problem with you, just the NYC elitism which is juvenile and annoying.

Nah, I'm not an elitist man. I understand the cons and pros of living in a major city; I just didn't like his take on what he thought was Brooklyn.
www.smallgovtimes.com(good for news, though they do have a slight neocon/christian slant)
www.humblelibertarian.com(Wes is one cool guy and loves prog metal)
www.freerepublic.com(mostly for the anti-lefty hate and the outrageous art/cartoons that come out of it)
www.nolanchart.com(excellent articles & covers all points on the political spectrum)

And Jimmy, now that I've done that- please post what Libertarian websites which you frequent and also explain to me why, if you can, choose to live in Brooklyn surrounded by droves of dirty, Marx-loving hipsters with super shitty taste in music.
I lived in Brooklyn, once for a few months and I wouldn't live there again rent free.

Karl Marx is love by hipsters?

Korea at night:

I would say the majority of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, do not know the idealogical tenants of any particular belief/political/governing system.