Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I would reply to your inanity but...

OH ho ho ho ho! A higher authority has saved me from your bullshit!

Also, for no reason at all:

Whoa, what's this!?

Ayn "I Hate Poor People" Rand,  , is a popular writer, and disputed vampire, responsible for creating the theory of "Objectivism" also known as "Anyone Who Earns Less Than $200,000 A Year Can Eat Shit And Die" which doubles as the title of her third novel. She is often Compared to Nietzsche, but she often denied any inspiration from him. She was right, because Nietzsche avoided double standards and wasn't in it to make a quick buck off of paranoid men in their 50's. He also looked good in a thong.

More? I dare not quote it!
Good stuff.




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^^Designated free speech zone? Wow what a fuck load of shit.

And @ Pessimism's post, "Don't ask don't tell" will end up in a filibuster, I'll be surpised if it doesn't.
That's unfair. They would have to devote a scholarship to every student whom they admitted that couldn't afford it, because asking them to take out student loans is like handing them a loaded gun and saying "For when you graduate."

They need to set aside scholarships for the students who still deserve them, even if they might be able to afford the school.

And by the way, I voted libertarian last election.