Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Surprised no one has been discussing the Megaupload story. This shit is SOPA without SOPA.
Surprised no one has been discussing the Megaupload story. This shit is SOPA without SOPA.

There's not so much story to what happened to it as there is to what happened after. I watched the planning of the attacks on the US government and entertainment industry websites. The more important part is that if the user information is harvested from Megaupload, the users could be charged. I'm sure they'll go after the paying users first if they do.

Either way, it is like you said: SOPA without SOPA. Not to get all conspiracy theory, but from various sources I've looked at, the whole piracy craze was planned from the start by the entertainment industry.

I really shouldn't laugh but he was 15 and in grade 8?

It was in Texas, too. That doesn't surprise me as much.
I really shouldn't laugh but he was 15 and in grade 8?

Late birthday and/or held back one grade?

I'm not posting about Megaupload cause it's all over the news and at this point America is clearly past the point of no return. At this point the only thing that can stop America's implosion affecting other nations is......well, the actions of other nations.
It seems like they care more about monitoring us than any of the primary goals in the bills. </captain obvious>
Just read the intro to the Syrian uprising wikipedia page, some interesting 2012 updates were summarized in it.


It's interesting that the official story is the Syrian defectors are leading the insurgency single-handed. I wonder what kind of secret foreign support is going on.

Either way, it seems like the right thing to do, so i hope the West starts fighting its wars more in this style :)
I can't wait until the East, West, and all the other directions on a compass stop trying to manipulate everyone else, with death and destruction for all.
Honestly i'm still on the fence about the military hawkishness. I definitely think the military should be reduced, because the West seems to have enough economic influence at this point that many of the worldwide troop deployments are just excessive. But i really do like the idea of westernized countries giving non-westernized countries financial/supply assistance for a movement that is seemingly much more in line with popular opinion/grievances than the existing regime.
How do you know what popular opinion is? Have you personally visited the respective countries and mingled amongst the average citizen?

What we get is heavily spun, western/current regime interest favored propaganda, about both domestic and foreign issues.

The readiness with which people support mass murder abroad with little or no solid evidence of need is appalling.
Speaking of which, I've heard Libya is having a lot of trouble reorganizing since we bombed them to hell.

What do you guys think of the possibility of Iran closing the Strait of Hormuz?
Depends on what the US does. Iran is going to need to feel it either A. Has no option left in the face of a US invasion or B. Be given the green light by Russia/China to start WWIII. Iran cannot beat the US solo, but they can bleed it pretty good. It's going to be up to the US to light that match, or Russia/China.

So far, instead of reacting militarily to the sanctions, Iran is merely working out bilateral trading agreements with it's oil consuming partner nations in their respective currencies, bypassing the USD entirely.
Depends on what the US does. Iran is going to need to feel it either A. Has no option left in the face of a US invasion or B. Be given the green light by Russia/China to start WWIII. Iran cannot beat the US solo, but they can bleed it pretty good. It's going to be up to the US to light that match, or Russia/China.

So far, instead of reacting militarily to the sanctions, Iran is merely working out bilateral trading agreements with it's oil consuming partner nations in their respective currencies, bypassing the USD entirely.

That's worrying, attempting to bypass the USD is what got Gaddafi taken out. Well, that and the fact that the new African currency would have been gold. I'm not sure which will happen first, military action with Iran, or borrowing and lending picking up in the private sector enough so that the FED drops the recently doubled monetary base from the reserves and into the market. Either way, the latter is inevitable and it will be one stepping stone closer to hyper-inflation.
How do you know what popular opinion is? Have you personally visited the respective countries and mingled amongst the average citizen?

What we get is heavily spun, western/current regime interest favored propaganda, about both domestic and foreign issues.

The readiness with which people support mass murder abroad with little or no solid evidence of need is appalling.

I have to say, these are some of the more convincing points you've made around here :)

Hm, I noticed Romney hinting at military hawkishness in a recent debate by saying America should lead the free world.

Anyway, there's certainly a lot of people who share the hawkish view regardless of its merits, and not just in America. Anecdotally, a Polish friend I have has expressed respect for what he calls the stability of American foreign policy.

Suppose American foreign policy actually lends stability to a lot of otherwise unstable regions of the world. Couldn't you say this justifies it a bit?
Stability for who? At the expense of who/what? Coming from the Polish person it's pretty ironic, because it's thanks to US foreign policy that Poland was taken over by Nazi Germany and then Soviet Russia.

I'm sure people in the Middle East, and Central/South America would consider USFP decidedly de-stabilzing.
Ugh, some day i should actually learn more about int'l affairs and make up my mind about this stuff. Pretty hard to have an informed opinion on presidential candidates otherwise.