Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

What was it you both saw? Sorry, but I never read your original description nor do I know where to find it.

Ghost of a dead step-relative on a warm spring night, hundreds of miles from his burial place. The apparition probably lasted less than a minute and seemed oblivious to even it's own existence.
Interesting. Unaware of its own existence as a ghost, or unaware of its own existence as existing? That is, would it have said: "I'm not a ghost" or "I don't exist"?
I would say unaware of it's existence as existing. It essentially appeared t coalesce from the shadows cast by a security light shining through the trees, and drifted down a driveway until it disappeared into unobstructed light.
A coalescence emerging from shadows in moist air and dematerializing into light might indeed appear to move as though "consciousness-less."

True. But the odds of some "mist" coalescing into the image of a dead relative recognized immediately and separately is highly unlikely. If I or my brother were the kind of people "prone to seeing apparitions" there might be a higher degree of skepticism, not the least on my part. But it's the one and only occurrence. I have felt [evil] in a few places before as an adult, but that's a completely different experience, and in each instance I later verified there was some historical or current explanation for the feeling.
Environment can have remarkable effects. I also haven't asked for the specifics as to who saw it first, and/or who told whom; or whether you both saw it independently of the other. Or who identified it as the image of a relative.
Environment can have remarkable effects. I also haven't asked for the specifics as to who saw it first, and/or who told whom; or whether you both saw it independently of the other. Or who identified it as the image of a relative.

My brother and I were playing hide and seek after church. We both happened to be hiding separately but apparently in such a that we could both see the neighboring property/house. It came up on the way home. No one else saw it but no one else was immediately around at the time and it happened pretty quick.

Best example of verified "negative vibes" I got was at the church my wife grew up going to. I went with her dad once to pick up her sister, only time I've ever been to the place. We parked next to this fountain thing made out of petrified wood. In theory kind of cool, but the longer we sat there the more I kept feeling some sort of malevolent presence/exuding from it. By the time the sister got out and we left I was quite uncomfortable. I talked to my wife about it later and she said the church was built on old indian burial/battle grounds or something and also 2 children had drowned in the fountain years ago. Crazy.
I think the common "ghost" explanation is probably too simplistic. However, there is something behind the phenomena, and merely dismissing it as hallucination or whatever in all cases is equally myopic imo.
I wouldn't call your experience a hallucination, but I do think it's less than a ghost.

Personally I wouldn't go so far as to believe that the actual soul/spirit/etc of this dead step-relative decided to make a random <1 minute appearance to my brother and I in the middle of a game of hide and seek. There's not any reasonable motive. But I think the phenomena of hauntings/"vibes"/sightings etc is probably rooted in a deeper reality than current science is capable of exploring. Just like as our continued learning slowly reduces the number of "vestigial" organs in the human body, I think our learning will eventually expand to the point where we can begin to understand the actual phenomena (obviously some of the phenomena are hallucinated/fabricated).