The position in that article has a few flaws:
1. It assumes we have some sort of "real" democracy (we don't, and if we did it would be worse than what we do have).
2. The appeal to the "militia" angle has been repeatedly debunked, nevermind that she made quite the anti-feminist argument in doing a private-guns-is-to-2nd as porn-is-to-1st comparison.
3. Unfortunately, as someone quite familiar with all the rich meaning and allegory that escapes from Pandora's Box, the Pandora's Box of Nuclear Weaponization is open across the globe, and for an increasingly cheap price. Attempting to close it unilaterally by singular disarmament is quixotic.
Edit: Austrian Econ has been non-empiricist. That's the main criticism of mainstream econs against Austrian econ.
1. It assumes we have some sort of "real" democracy (we don't, and if we did it would be worse than what we do have).
2. The appeal to the "militia" angle has been repeatedly debunked, nevermind that she made quite the anti-feminist argument in doing a private-guns-is-to-2nd as porn-is-to-1st comparison.
3. Unfortunately, as someone quite familiar with all the rich meaning and allegory that escapes from Pandora's Box, the Pandora's Box of Nuclear Weaponization is open across the globe, and for an increasingly cheap price. Attempting to close it unilaterally by singular disarmament is quixotic.
Edit: Austrian Econ has been non-empiricist. That's the main criticism of mainstream econs against Austrian econ.