Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

lol @ Biden's emotional moment. I doubt anyone saw that coming.

Palin didn't really fuck up or anything, though. Not that there was much substance behind what she was saying, but she definitely looked good for the cameras and played the "sweet little lady", which is what she was meant to do.
Nope, she didn't majorly fuck up, but she kept reverting back to energy and Iraq whenever asked about somewhat complex issues. I wonder the moderator didn't call her out on that.
^she had to be fair in the debate even tho she is an obama supporter.

The woman digs her own hole, anyways. Helping her would only make her sink even more.
Mathiäs;7671558 said:
Nope, she didn't majorly fuck up, but she kept reverting back to energy and Iraq whenever asked about somewhat complex issues. I wonder the moderator didn't call her out on that.

Yeah, Biden unquestionably had more substance behind his statements. When you get down to the bottom of it, though, the Republicans really don't have much to work with in this election. The Bush administration obviously did a terrible job, and there's no way McCain and Palin are going to be able to distance themselves from the ideology behind that administration. I think Biden did well to emphasise that.
It's hard for me to analyze who won because every debate seems like one side speaking very reasonably and one side saying ridiculous bullshit. Joe Biden is obviously a better and more intelligent politician, but Sarah Palin did what she had to do by not looking like a complete moron and saying things like "Doggoneit"
Yeah it won't matter to them that she kept avoiding the questions and said maverick 9,000 times.

But I'm sure they will take offense at something so inconsequential as Biden's facial gestures at all the bullshit spewed forth from his opponent.
:lol: the spectrum of intelligence between the two is so obvious, anyone saying Palin did good or even won is either as moronic as she or feels a great sense of sympathy for the Governor.

Hannity and Colmes are fools, don't give those guys ratings plz.
Wow, this shit makes the Patriot Act look like a joke.

Wikinews said:
UK government to spy on phone, email, browsing, of entire population

The government of the United Kingdom leaked its plans yesterday to launch a program which will monitor every British citizen's emails, internet browsing records, and telephone conversations. While a specific plan has not been reached, UK ministers agreed on spending up to £12 billion (USD$21.2 billion) on the new spying system. More than £1 billion (USD$1.76 billion) has already been spent.

They believe the program, which will create a massive database for storing the information and installs thousands of probes, is necessary to fight threats to national security. One of the reasons cited for creating the database is to keep links between terrorists intact before they are wiped from systems, which often hold any needed information only temporarily.

Under the UK's current law a warrant is required to intercept communications, but that will change with the implementation of the new database.

Critics like Michael Parker, an anti-ID card activist, have called the proposal 'sinister', and accused the UK government of 'stalking' British citizens. "If an individual carried out this sort of snooping," Parker said, "it would be a crime".

But other critics like Dominic Grieve, Shadow Home Secretary, have a different concern. The government has a record of leaking sensitive information, making such a database insecure—which could be dangerous in the wrong hands. "Seeing how significant an increase in power this would be, we need to have a national debate and the Government would have to justify its need," he finished.

A public debate is being considered after the request of the UK's Information Commissioner, who has warned that the program would be unacceptable to most of the UK's citizens.

Details will be given in the Queen's speech next month.
you poor Americans have to listen to these bullshit pollies trying to sell their foul wares! we here in Australia went through the same thing not too long ago,lol have'nt heard too much of our leader since,probably a good thing cause they all talk shit and are just out to feather their own nests,nothing but a bunch of bullshit salesmen
From cnn.com

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Sheriff Thomas J. Dart said Wednesday he is suspending foreclosure evictions in Cook County, which had been on track to reach a record number of evictions, many because of mortgage foreclosures.

Sheriff Thomas J. Dart of Cook County, Illinois, says proper eviction procedures aren't always been followed.

He said many of the evictions involve renters who are paying their rent on time but are being thrown out because the landlord has fallen behind on mortgage payments.

Mortgage companies are supposed to identify a building's occupants before asking for an eviction, but sheriff's deputies routinely find that the mortgage companies have not done so, he said.

"These mortgage companies only see pieces of paper, not people, and don't care who's in the building," Dart said. "They simply want their money and don't care who gets hurt along the way.

"On top of it all, they want taxpayers to fund their investigative work for them. We're not going to do their jobs for them anymore. We're just not going to evict innocent tenants. It stops today."

Dart said he wants the judiciary or the state Legislature to establish protections for those most harmed by the mortgage crisis.

In 1999, Cook County had 12,935 mortgage foreclosure cases; in 2006, 18,916 cases were filed and last year, 32,269 were filed. This year's total is expected to exceed 43,000.

"The people we're interacting with are, many times, oblivious to the financial straits their landlord might be in," Dart said. "They are the innocent victims here and they are the ones all of us must step up and find some way to protect."

The Illinois Bankers Association opposed the plan, saying that Dart "was elected to uphold the law and to fulfill the legal duties of his office, which include serving eviction notices."

The association said Dart could be found in contempt of court for ignoring court eviction orders.

"The reality is that by ignoring the law and his legal responsibilities, he is carrying out 'vigilantism' at the highest level of an elected official," it said. "The Illinois banking industry is working hard to help troubled homeowners in many ways, but Sheriff Dart's declaration of 'marshal law' should not be tolerated."
I'm really happy that this guy is doing this. The last thing I want in my neighborhood is empty boarded up homes. What good does it to anybody for the bank to reclaim a home and put it on a market where no one can get the credit to buy? The harm to society that is evicting people is quite apparent.