Dallas Star-Ledger: Dream Theater's lead singer a nightmare

progmetalgod said:
What a load of rubbish. Granted, I like Russell's just a bit to James' nowadays, JL is a quality singer and he was my fave for about 7 years until I finally realised that Russell was the man.

Hoho ... fanboy alert ! ... so you mean to tell us that james sings in tune, can hit the high notes you hear on the albums and performs that falseto graciously ? get an ear doctor ...
I actually like it when he sang heavy in Awake. Most people think it don't fit his vioce. But I think thats his best performance. in I&W he got some wiked notes (TIME!!! to dissapear - UaGM). But other than that, he isn't very er... good.
I think the agressive sounding stuff is way too forced for him. Look at the pretty boy? He was meant to sing softly. When he does, he sounds really good. And who cares what he sounded like on the albums because we're talking about what he sounds like live. He sounds like shit.
SilentRealm said:
And as for them not even wanting to sign autographs after the show, that to me points to 'it all going to their heads' just a little too much. which is the quickest way for me to lose any respect for a musician.

Not necessarily..there are bound to be nights when the guys are especially tired & just need to rest rather than hang out with fans for hours..especially if they've been on the road for a while and/or don't have many days off on their tour schedule. Sure, this sucks for the fans, but look at it this way: you go up & kick ass onstage for 60-120 minutes, & tell me the next thing you're gonna want to do is go talk to crowds of people you don't know..hell no. You're gonna want to go flop down on the sofa in the tour bus, grab a soda/water/beer/whatever, & just relax. Thankfully, most of the musicians in our genre DO take time after shows to let the fans know they're appreciated (& I have been there to see SymX drag their worn out butts off the bus after a show to do just that), but I don't think that skipping that on one night means anything has gone to their heads..more likely they were just tired.

Of course, if they avoid the fans regularly, then that's another story.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Not necessarily..there are bound to be nights when the guys are especially tired & just need to rest rather than hang out with fans for hours..especially if they've been on the road for a while and/or don't have many days off on their tour schedule. Sure, this sucks for the fans, but look at it this way: you go up & kick ass onstage for 60-120 minutes, & tell me the next thing you're gonna want to do is go talk to crowds of people you don't know..hell no. You're gonna want to go flop down on the sofa in the tour bus, grab a soda/water/beer/whatever, & just relax. Thankfully, most of the musicians in our genre DO take time after shows to let the fans know they're appreciated (& I have been there to see SymX drag their worn out butts off the bus after a show to do just that), but I don't think that skipping that on one night means anything has gone to their heads..more likely they were just tired.

Of course, if they avoid the fans regularly, then that's another story.

I've seen DT twice, and Labrie and Myung only ditched me the one time. The first time I saw them Labrie was actually very nice...so yeah, I don't think it's an all of the time thing.
Labrie's work on the song Metropolis Part I (album version) is a nominee for the best vocal performance ever...

I showed my best friend the Scenes From New York DVD, and after the first few minutes of ACOS, the session was reduced to just plain laughing at Labrie's live antics. He seems like such an idiot on stage, and his vocal performance wasn't any good at all...
Pharoah said:
I can only imagine how incredible DT would be with an awesome singer who has great stage presence (yes IMO, LaBrie lacks that too), like Bruce Dickinson for example.

I think Bruce Dickinson is the most overrated singer ever. If he hadn't been in Maiden, nobody would have ever heared of him. James LaBrie is definetly a better singer than Bruce Dickison, though I admit he is not very well live - but DT's songs are much more difficult to sing than those of Iron Maiden. For Maiden's songs, Bruce's voice is sufficient.
Lord Of The Snow said:
I think Bruce Dickinson is the most overrated singer ever. If he hadn't been in Maiden, nobody would have ever heared of him. James LaBrie is definetly a better singer than Bruce Dickison, though I admit he is not very well live - but DT's songs are much more difficult to sing than those of Iron Maiden. For Maiden's songs, Bruce's voice is sufficient.

Poor choice on my part...I don't know what made me think of him at that moment (stage presence, maybe?) Much better options, yes!
Well, I didn't say Andre Matos !! :OMG:
Lord Of The Snow said:
I think Bruce Dickinson is the most overrated singer ever. If he hadn't been in Maiden, nobody would have ever heared of him. James LaBrie is definetly a better singer than Bruce Dickison, though I admit he is not very well live - but DT's songs are much more difficult to sing than those of Iron Maiden. For Maiden's songs, Bruce's voice is sufficient.

Actually, I think if Bruce had never been in Maiden, no one would have ever heard of Maiden.
i would be pissed off though.. if i spent like $5000+ flying from Aus to the U.S just so i could go see one of SyX's shows because i love them THAT much.. and i was dissed..
I guess this means when i do finally get to go see a SyX show i better make sure its at the beginning of the tour so that there's better chance of getting a picture n an autograph lol..
The inbound train travelling from Hamburg will now stop at bullshit central,

LORD OF THE SNOW I'm guessing you know nothing of the music or history of Iron Maiden because they were big before Dickinson. LaBire vs. Dickinson? no contest. LaBrie is just plain annoying at times especially on the high notes(pull me under) but not good old Bruce
yyyyyyyyarrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - The night was black , was no use holding back
Who else could beat that pitch.

I like some of DT's music but I think most of it is soooooo fucking bourgeois and over the top, on the Awake album LaBrie sounds about as aggressive as Mary Poppins. DT may be more complex but Maiden write much better songs both lyrically and musically. The prog maiden song Seventh Son is better than anything DT have done, commence flaming. :hotjump:

Metropolis pt 2 was a masterpiece but I can't usually get past 'Through her eyes', what were they thinking, somebody must have spiked their drinks with oestrogen the day they wrote that, probably LaBrie!
The weakest link in DT is LaBrie. But I was surpised at how good he was when I saw them live on the Six Degrees Tour. But on their last live album he sounded horrible! You know how some albums you can just crank up and you're dying for someone to pass your house so they can hear your amazing taste in music? This ain't one of those. :ill: