Dallas Star-Ledger: Dream Theater's lead singer a nightmare

Good one Macy, when I get a car (if I ever pass my fucking test) I can't wait to show off my superior taste in music at full blast. Espeically how all the young guys round ere all play that techno and rap shit in there cars just beacuse it's the done thing and in fasion.
Also, when I tried to get autographs after the show, him and Myung wouldn't sign for anyone.

that is weird cause i saw them on that show and it was the opposite

labrie and portnoy were doing the most signing...labrie being really nice and happy to people...
portnoy just being cool and freindly, cracking a lot of good jokes (i missed the show in greece and i said..."so how did you find greece when you plaayed there" and he said "we took a right at italy.." i was like ...huuuhhh? he said "its a joke" and i just looked dumb)
rudess was signing and looking shady

but petrucci was the last one out, and like when maybe 20 people or less were still there he just went back inside..RIGHT ON MY TURN. i was pretty upset about thaat. i think the people before me bugged him out cause they made him take a million pictures with him

anyway..john myung is "the silent man" and doesn't really do autographs
The_Accolade said:
that is weird cause i saw them on that show and it was the opposite

labrie and portnoy were doing the most signing...labrie being really nice and happy to people...rudess was signing and looking shady

but petrucci was the last one out, and like when maybe 20 people or less were still there he just went back inside..RIGHT ON MY TURN. i was pretty upset about thaat. i think the people before me bugged him out cause they made him take a million pictures with him

anyway..john myung is "the silent man" and doesn't really do autographs

Like I said, I saw them twice on that tour, I think they came around to Chicago twice and played two different sets. Anyway, the frist time, Labrie was totally nice to me, and like you said Myung was very silent, him and Rudess barely looked at me. Then on the G3 tour, I tried to get Petrucci and after signing for a few people, he took off for the tour bus. I wanted him to sign some drawings I had made, and so I ran after him. It's one of my most memorable moments because when I showed him my drawings, his face brightened up and he was very nice. But I can totally understand why he would want to get away, I mean there was seriously a ton of people there!

Ok enough of my collector's ramblings :p
I've seen DT 9 times in various locations since 1993 - the upcoming show will be my 10th. The majority of the time, James has sounded great. But at the last show I saw last year - yech. Oh, I was so disappointed. He kept shouting instead of singing. I'm crossing my fingers that he doesn't pull that again on this tour.

As for meeting bands afterwards, the DT guys have been universally nice to me, though it's rare that I'll run into ALL of them after an individual show. The night I saw them in London, John Myung came out the stage door and was clearly in a hurry, and some guy *chased* after him. :erk: John was gracious enough to stop and sign something for him, and then a bunch of other people started collecting around him. I try very hard not to pester people if they look like they're busy; it's not the end of the world if I don't get an autograph, handshake, hug, whatever, from a particular musician.

SX have always been very nice guys too, the two times I've been around them. :)

I've never had a bad experience meeting anyone, really. The only person I was ever totally disgusted with was Stephen Pearcy, and that was for his obnoxious behavior onstage with Arcade, and they didn't even stick around after their set...
The Metal Chick said:
Like I said, I saw them twice on that tour, I think they came around to Chicago twice and played two different sets. Anyway, the frist time, Labrie was totally nice to me, and like you said Myung was very silent, him and Rudess barely looked at me.

Rudess remains in my mind as a very nice guy. I was at a Petrucci clinic and got John's autograph (like a thousand other people), but he didn't look very enthusiastic about it. Jordan, on the other hand, was very nice and talked to me for quite a while, gave me an autograph and when he saw that I was photographing him, he asked "You wanna be IN the picture?" HELL YEAH! I love that guy! And what talent! (don't start...)
Alexander TG said:
LORD OF THE SNOW I'm guessing you know nothing of the music or history of Iron Maiden because they were big before Dickinson.

That's what I meant. Bruce was never really important to make Maiden a great band - they would have made it without him as well.

BTW: I was on Maiden concerts probably before you child were born!
Never in my life have I met a maiden fan who preferred the vocal styling of that punk/thug/psychopath Paul Di'Anno to the ledged Bruce Dickinson, the best thing maiden did was boot out that prick.

Look what happened when Blaze joined, they were forced to bring Bruce back after 2 albums although I thought they were pretty good admittedly.

Bottom line : Dickinson is an integral part of the Maiden tapestry, I'm not even his biggest fan, I always was on Steve Harris's side when they were arguing in the early 90s but Bruce is still a living ledged and maiden just ain't maiden without him.
maybe James was having a bad night in Dallas, because I saw them in Tampa June 29, and he was on the money the whole night. His voice sounded great. I think that guy from the Dallas paper is a loony tune.
Alexander TG said:
Never in my life have I met a maiden fan who preferred the vocal styling of that punk/thug/psychopath Paul Di'Anno to the ledged Bruce Dickinson, the best thing maiden did was boot out that prick.

That only shows you don't know anything "inside" of Maiden. Paul Di'Anno is the better singer in many fans' opinion - especially those like me who know the band (almost) from the very beginning.

Of course it was still right to kick Paul because he had a drug problem and was not reliable - but that doesn't mean his voice was worse than Bruce's. Many fans say that - but you haven't obviously heared of it. As I said - child!

Look what happened when Blaze joined, they were forced to bring Bruce back after 2 albums although I thought they were pretty good admittedly.

Just because Blaze was even worse doesn't make Bruce a great singer. He is a great performer but not a good singer. James LaBrie is a good singer in the studio, not very good live, but still OK. His stage acting could be less "strange" but I don't really care about that. Seeing DT live too exciting to care such minor details.

Bruce is still a living ledged and maiden just ain't maiden without him.

I never doubted that.
Hmmm o.k, Paul was good for maiden when the world of metal was still in transitional mode away from punk but he would have been a disaster for anything after killers.

Can you imagine Paul singing 'Flight of Icarus' or Aces High? If you still insist maiden would have been better with Paul in maidens golden period of the 80s there is nothing more to say because you are simply talking bullshit. I post of the IM forum from time to time so why don't you go and post what your saying and see how many people agree with you - and our survey said -FUCK ALL.

I'm 20 mate, old enough, man enough to have debate and prove myself correct. What's your problem are you a bitter old man who spends all day in his chair rocking back and forth reminiscing about the days when children were sent down coal mines?
Alexander TG said:
there is nothing more to say because you are simply talking bullshit.

I am not discussing with people like you on this level. If that's what you call "I'm 20 mate, old enough, man enough to have debate and prove myself correct.", then I am absolutely right to end this discussion here. Go and look for other people to flame just because of a different opinion.
Alexander TG said:
Never in my life have I met a maiden fan who preferred the vocal styling of that punk/thug/psychopath Paul Di'Anno to the ledged Bruce Dickinson, the best thing maiden did was boot out that prick.

Actually, from a nostalgic viewpoint I do. D'Ianno was what got me into Maiden, plus the music, offcourse. I loved those two early albums, especially Killers. Still do to this day. I don't know about the 'Prick' part though. I wasn't there at the time and something tells me you weren't either. I do agree they made an enormous leap ahead when they replaced him with Dickinson, mostly range-wise. The question which voice you prefer is always up for debate, but I dare say they kicked the door wide open for mainstream exceptance for Metal with 'The number of the Beast'

Alexander TG said:
Look what happened when Blaze joined, they were forced to bring Bruce back after 2 albums although I thought they were pretty good admittedly..

That's where I definetely bailed ship on Maiden. I bought every album they put out up to that point faithfully and although prayer for the dying and Fear of the dark were not mediocre, they just lost it after 7th Son I think. From what I've heard and seen from the Blaze-period, I'm still glad I never was tempted to buy those albums. I thought Blaze was a disgrace for Maiden. I never could understand them having him in the band, except for probably being such a great guy who can play a fair bit of soccer.

Alexander TG said:
Bottom line : Dickinson is an integral part of the Maiden tapestry, I'm not even his biggest fan, I always was on Steve Harris's side when they were arguing in the early 90s but Bruce is still a living ledged and maiden just ain't maiden without him.

I think that's widely accepted fact. Bruce will probably always be associated with Maiden, although his solo-work was nothing to sneeze at. Furthermore I would like to say that throwing your weight around here telling other members here not to post 'that crap' on the Maiden Forum is highly laughable. If you can't deal with another person's opinion or are not open to debate other viewpoints or able to openly debate these opposing viewpoints then maybe you should stay there and talk amongst yourselves and tell yourselves how great Bruce is, the music is, and never let anyone say anything bad about your favourite band. Those replies look childish and stupid. Just some fatherly advice.
Yikes, this little child has just shit his nappy.

Ahhh what's the problem? can't we have a good old fashioned heated debate, you know people aren't always supposed to agree on everything.
When it comes to maiden I get passionate and pull no punches, big deal, gets the blood going. However as you don't like it hot, I've stuck my bollocks in the ice box so I'll keep it cool, cooler than a German football team on a penalty shoot-out.

Admittedly I got into maiden with the Killers album, Di'Anno's voice was aggressive and I thought the music was bithchin, Paul Di'Anno was great for those albums but he was shall we say misbehaving towards the end so they kicked him out. During this time maiden were a streetwise, cocky bunch of East Enders in their youth but now they were growing up a needed a new approach. In came Dickinson who brought a whole new dimension to the game and maiden were huge, I could never in a million years imagine Di'Anno on albums like NOTB and Powerslave just like I couldn't Bruce with Iron Maiden and Killers. I suppose this means I give credit to your viewpoint in that respect but still think it was Bruce that got them to the top and they couldn't have done it without him.

Peace out gentleman
I think every player in maiden and bruce are over rated, The compositions are simple and vocal parts sound pretty weak to me, I don't like the way bruce sings, like he's never hitting the right note, just screams, lol... As for Labrie, he's pretty bad live, but good on albums
Progbass said:
I think every player in maiden and bruce are over rated, The compositions are simple and vocal parts sound pretty weak to me, I don't like the way bruce sings, like he's never hitting the right note, just screams, lol... As for Labrie, he's pretty bad live, but good on albums

Go see 'em live and you'll see why they're legendary. I did. :OMG:
I saw Dream Theater on Thursday in Pittsburgh... James sounded great and didn't put forth any weird stage antics... Dream Theater was awesome... though Queensryche was definately the star of the night... they were spectacular and extremely powerful.
ProgMetalFan said:
I saw Dream Theater on Thursday in Pittsburgh... James sounded great and didn't put forth any weird stage antics... Dream Theater was awesome... though Queensryche was definately the star of the night... they were spectacular and extremely powerful.

I agree that James rocked, and he was a solid frontman. But I think DT was the better band of the night. Oh well, both bands ROCKED. The jam with both bands was great.
Demonspell said:
That's good to hear that they can still deliver in concert, even though they have been short on inspiration for three albums straight now.

Yes... I was certainly suprised just how excellent and sharp Queensryche was in concert... much better than previous times I've seen them... and Geoff was in absolutely top form... his voice was strong and hit everything. And his stage presence was commanding. Scott Rockenfield was an absolutely joy to listen to... he is certainly a master of metal drumming. My only small gripe was the "touring guitarist"'s annoying steel guitar embellishments in "Silent Lucidity". The setlist was impressive as well... only 1 song from their last 3 horrid albums! Let's see if I can remember what they played (not in order)

Open (new song, and first song they played... nobody seemed into this)
My Global Mind (second song... I love this song... but it didn't seem like anybody was into this either... so I felt awkward singing along by myself!)
Best I Can
Jet City Woman
Silent Lucidity
Anarchy X (the Mindcrime material was strong as hell)
Revolution Calling
The Needle Lies
Eyes of a Stranger
Walk in the Shadows
Screaming In Digital (Holy shit!)
Take Hold of the Flame

Despite the fact that it seems that Queensryche has been a dead entity for 6 years now... they can still deliver the goods live. It was simply... one of the best performances I have ever seen. I was going nuts the whole time... I was in heaven. I couldn't believe they performed such a great setlist! I figured they'd be throwing in some more horrid "Tribe" tunes and some "Q2K" and HITNF tunes... but they stuck to the good stuff. No Kelly Grey was an improvement as well... though I'm not really into the touring guitarist... he wasn't nearly as bad as Grey. He didn't really detract from the show other than his ridiculous steel guitar in "Silent Lucidity" and his clothing. My friend was not a Queensryche fan before... but he left a fanatic. He could not believe how good Queensryche was. Dream Theater is his favorite band... but he agreed that Queensryche stole the show.

Fates Warning: Damn, I was SOOOOOO pissed about this. The ticket said the concert started at 7:30... so I was walking around Mt. Washington in Pittsburgh... which is right above the ampitheater where they played... Very funky neighborhood up there with breathtaking views of the city... and about 7 o'clock, I decided to descend the furnicular and enter the ampitheater... when I passed through Station Square (a shopping/dining/entertainment district) I could hear the faint strains of "Pieces of Me"... and I knew I was missing one of favorite bands. I hate it when they do things like this... when it says the show starts at a certain time... but they rush the opening band on early... totally bullshit! So I only got to see FW perform "A Pleasant Shade of Grey Pt. 3" and "Monument". Both songs sounded great.

Dream Theater was awesome as well... probably my favorite performance I've seen from them... there were no medleys/jams etc... just songs... which pleased me... James sounded great and looked great... seems that he's lost quite a bit of weight... Band was very tight... good selection of songs... except "Glass Prison"... which I'm not really into... "Learning to Live" (my favorite DT song)... was amazing... though they ruined it with that silly reggae part towards the end... I hate that... they performed their beefed-up version of "Silent Man"... which was ruined towards the end when Petrucci chose to do the solo with this bizarre "funk" guitar sound... instead of the beautiful acoustic solo... and Rudess followed it up with a ridiculous "honky-tonk" piano solo... those were my only gripes though... a fine performance from Dream Theater.