Damage Done listening session pics...

yeah saw Bjorn and Peter there I think.....from In Flames.....

Whow as all there Fredrik? Seems like my kinda party hehe.
well, all of the guys in DT, except for Anders are on the pics, Björn & Jesper from In Flames on some, Sharlee from Arch Enemy & Witchery on a few pics and Daniel Antonsson from Pathos (also in Dimension Zero on the upcoming Japan tour). Thats about it, ok, Cindy from the Swedish Century Media office, and some persons from different european magazines....
So, Fredrik, how was the party? What's your opinion of the new D.T. album?
(That is, if you heard it)
We had a really great time in their rehersal room and at the rastaurant, as you probably have seen at the DT site, we consumed lots of beer.. hehe

Yes, I have heared the album (once). So it´s kind of hard to describe it correctly, but I can tell that you will be kind of surprised when you hear it.

I thought that it would be "softer" than Haven before I heared it, but it´s not. It´s harder & heavyer, no "clean" vocals, only Stanne-growl. That´s the way I like it !
Originally posted by Fredrik Kreem
We had a really great time in their rehersal room and at the rastaurant, as you probably have seen at the DT site, we consumed lots of beer.. hehe

Yes, I have heared the album (once). So it´s kind of hard to describe it correctly, but I can tell that you will be kind of surprised when you hear it.

I thought that it would be "softer" than Haven before I heared it, but it´s not. It´s harder & heavyer, no "clean" vocals, only Stanne-growl. That´s the way I like it !

Only once?

I feel sorry for you ;)
Originally posted by At The Gates

Only once?

I feel sorry for you ;)

:Smug: You know, one day the album will be out and THEN you won't be able to brag about that you're the only person that have had the shameful fortune of listening to it ;) On the other hand then you might brag about that you heard it before everyone else... argh, never mind. You stink! :D :D

/Dargor (and NO I am NOT jelous at ALL!!! :D )