Dammit, Dammit, son-of-a-btich!

We bought a 55" rear projection TV and it was delivered on Thurday. It's been great! Until.....

....about ten minutes ago! It made a "Snap!" sound, and now it's not working. :mad: No picture at all! :mad:

Looks like we'll have to get a replacement shipped in. I'm not looking forward to having to set it all up again, and I don't want to have to miss any work again to be here when it's delivered. :mad:

*sigh* :rolleyes: Well, I guess I should just be happy that I don't have any worse problems than that, eh? ;)
Have you tried unplugging it and then plugging it back in?

My monitor snaps like that sometimes...and goes black. Dunno why. Unplugging it and waiting a bit always seems to work. :err:
No good.

I'm getting the same thing. It "clicks" about ten times then there's one louder "click" then nothing. It's power light goes off, and the timer light blinks. I don't think that the on/off timer is running though. I'm wondering if the blinking timer light is some sort of indicator for repairmen to use?

Ah well. :rolleyes:

I guess I'll just have to call them up.

What do you think Rabs, should I get the store to replace it or call the manufacturer?

Replacing from the manufacturer is a last resort. Its like pulling teeth to get them to replace something...and it takes much longer. Usually, you only do that if the store you bought from really sucks..or went out of business.

Sounds like the tube fried. Sorry man. Maybe they jostled it too hard during delivery.

...must be nice to be able to afford a 55" TV. I only have a 32".:cry:
Yea, I'll probably get the store to replace it if I can't get it working. I've written the manufacturer on e-mail to see what they have to say.

It's a bit of a long explanation, but I think it may be the TV's timer that's causing the problem. The set has a feature that allows parents to set on "OFF TIME" so thier kids can't turn the set on after a certain time, lasting until the next day or whatever time the parents set. That may be what the timer light is trying to indicate.

Although, we didn't see any "time remaining" messages while we were watching it, as would be expected with a timer. Also, none of the procedures for disabling it are working. We didn't set the timer, so I can't imagine how it could've been enabled. My wife swears that she didn't mess with it, but you know how mischievous wives can be. ;) :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm gonna leave it plugged in overnight, so if it is the timer, it'll expire at some point. Otherwise, I'll see if I've gotten an e-mail response when I get home from work tomorrow.

Damn, it seems like everything around here's going haywire! I have to send in my Nightbass DSP unit too, it's been acting goofy lately as well. Isn't technology great? :rolleyes:

Yea, the 55" was a bit expensive, but we got along with a crappy 27" for a long time. We figure that we'd better get this stuff for ourselves now, before we have any kids! :cool:
Originally posted by rabies

Howz it hangin shorty? ;)

...seriously..my monitor is bigger than that.

:lol: Should've seen that coming... :lol:

Yeh, I know. I had 22" tv when I lived in the south but had to sell it because we didn't have big enough car when I moved back home so there wasn't enough room to bring it.

That tv is enough fo me, there really isn't room for bigger one....