I love my c42s and don't find them noisy at all. They're definitely snappy and suited to metal. I wouldn't use them on a rock project though as I recently did. Touch too toppy for that.
C42 I'm assuming. It's brighter than the KM184 (which is already pretty bright) and has a wayyyy higher internal noise floor, almost to the point where they're unusable on something like an acoustic guitar.
Definitely wouldn't be my first choice on guitar regardless.
I'll post a raw clip this weekend of just the overheads on some drums.
Over head samples? I'll up them too. Snare, 2 racks, 2 floors. 4 hard hits of each. For this particular session there were 12 cymbals so I had a centre c42 as well slightly to the right of centre where there was a cluster of crashes and splashes.
Thanks greyskull. Got any free snare samples?
Ok... I come with Clips. ( on snare)
TBH i probably should have spent more time position the Joesephon considering how much I used of it in the mix but what the hey, sounded great. I also used an i5 which is my go to, and here for comparison.
The soloed mic tracks are totally raw other than a touch of EQ i may have added on the Neve console on the way in.... and the tape machine, but I was pretty subtle with it.
The full mix is the whole kit as it was mixed (all processing etc.. ps no samples) with the e22 used as the principle snare mic, although the i5 was in there a tiny bit, but only just.
i5 - Solo.mp3
E22 - Solo.mp3
Whole Kit - Mix.mp3
Can't you just Match EQ your existing stuff to sound like anything anyways?![]()
Short, yet polite, answer, no, I can't.
I used up all my patience trying to help people reamp with a Kemper this week