Dammit! [rant]


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
I just found out my weed connect is permanently cut.

For years I've paid nothing for the highest grade bud. Dude stopped growing and has no plans on starting again. He is set financially and feels the time has come. So that leaves me weedless as I never even considered looking elsewhere. Not only do I have to settle for lower grade stuff (and pay for it) but I haven't a clue where to get it. :erk: I'm not the type to go around randomly putting myself in sketchy situations.

Yeah, FML. :cry:

I thought that on the US you could just say that your back hurts and a doctor with dreadlocks and diploma printed on smoke paper would give you a prescription to buy it directly from the government.
Start growing your own? Just get a plant in constant circulation. By the time you finish one crop, you can immediately start growing another one.
The night went to fail. Still nothing.

The stuff I was smoking could not be cloned. After flowering it would just die. Then you have to get new seeds. The good thing is they stayed very small, hardly produced any leaves and grew very fast. (about 4 months)

I could get the seeds but unfortunately they are a bitch to grow as well. Gotta be a dam mad scientist to grow these fuckers.
Mine ran out last night. I think im gonna slow down. i did a good job quitting for 9 months.. Socialnumb, i think u may have to use alcohol to substitute.
I thought that on the US you could just say that your back hurts and a doctor with dreadlocks and diploma printed on smoke paper would give you a prescription to buy it directly from the government.

not quite...even in states where medicinal use is approved, it's not that easy