Dammit! [rant]

Few people have given you serious answers.

I am with Gareth on this one though. Just grow one plant and keep one always growing. As long as you aren't selling any of it you will always have quality weed for free.
Mine ran out last night. I think im gonna slow down. i did a good job quitting for 9 months.. Socialnumb, i think u may have to use alcohol to substitute.

:lol: Drinking makes me want to smoke.

@Felix, Honestly I see no reason to quit. Been smoking for about 19 years. No problem. I'm a one/two hitter dude. None of that smoking all day stuff I did as a teenager. There is one thing I enjoy more than sex; and that's drinking a beer, smoking a bowl and disappearing into my music. It's not the same sober. I'm in no hurry to remove this enjoyment from my life anytime soon.

Sure I could do without (haven't smoked since last sat) I just don't want to.
well then, scrounge up a small storage cabinet from somewhere, mount an HPS light inside, throw some seeds in some dirt, put it under the light, and water it every 2 days or so...
Don't cry about it. Run for public office on the "pot ticket" and legalize it. If you're in FLA, shouldn't be hard.... tell the retirees it's far cheaper & works better than thier prescriptions.
Then you won't have to struggle for a new supply.

Here's where to get help:

FWIW, I don't smoke the stuff, but I can't stand injustice.
Hey. Try nutmeg. Bare in mind that theres a huge delay with the kick so u gotta time it correctly.