Damn..need career advice!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :)

I have a problem, that drives me crazy. I think, I am at the crossroad of my musically being. Maybe some of you know, that I make a fucking lot different stuff (curse and blessing at the same time) Playing guitars, drums, songwriting, drumrecording, mixing and all this shit..and since a few month, I´ve found out, SINGING gives me even more than recording...

...but to sing in a band and perform my own voice for an audience..I need tons of courage!!! How can I trick myself about this? Damn I really need a fucking brainwashing!

I´m just about to found a brand new band (would love to do progressive/power Metal a la Evergrey/Symphony x /Dream Theater) maybe with some talented sneapsters here.

If I really would deceide to sing, I would lay 100% in it, with all consequences, taking lessons, but then I´d not have any time for recording any more. I have the feeling, I make all things just 84% atm..but I wanna specialize me in one element to become a master in its sphere someday. Do you underdstand my situation?


Recording/mixing works

Metal: Gunmans Poem (mastered by Lasse Lammert)
Classical/soundtracks: Amann´s Erste (female vocals by Julia Neumann)

Performance works

Vocals and all instruments: One million feet
Vocals (for Dandelium): Dandelium feat. Felix
Imho you should try singing.
If you don't have enough sucess-you can always go back to mixing or guitar playing or whatever.

About that courage thing-I played one show as a bass player before I had my first show as a vocalist.
There were 250 people in front of the stage and in the end it worked out very well.
And I wasn't that self confident at that time (4 years ago).
If you're nervous before the show-no problem-just get over it when you go on stage.
For me there was actually almost now difference between being on stage as a vocalist, bassist or guitar player.
The only time I was really nervous was then we had a show at our prom and I was the lead guitar player (and I am fucking bad at that)-
I played 50 shows before that evening but I was more afraid than at my first gig.
Just be sure to know what you do.
Thank you, very much Stef! This let me feel better, after reading. I´m sure, I have to trick my thoughts in a certain way..kind of positive brainwashing, you know?

OT..don´t you have a mean headache now after partying yesterday? :D
5 years I think-not sure at the moment.
I play guitar since almost 12 years (and I really suck at it) and I thought bass would be better for me, less strings, more space for my hands :D
And I am a way better bass player than guitar player.

Oh and about the courage on stage things and stuff:
If you're not sure if your voice is that good at a show-just don't care about it and move more on stage and stuff.
A few wrong notes and stuff doesn't matter in a live enviorment as long as you have enough stage prescence.
5 years I think-not sure at the moment.
I play guitar since almost 12 years (and I really suck at it) and I thought bass would be better for me, less strings, more space for my hands :D
And I am a way better bass player than guitar player.

Oh and about the courage on stage things and stuff:
If you're not sure if your voice is that good at a show-just don't care about it and move more on stage and stuff.
A few wrong notes and stuff doesn't matter in a live enviorment as long as you have enough stage prescence.

I think, intonation will be not my problem. Jumping around and stuff..wähhh not my cup of tea ( I know, stage presence is important though) I think, I´d be concentrate on the best possible performance on stage.
Hmmm yeah, but I made my live experience so far in a couple of bands. Played Bass, Guitar, drums on gigs...but I never had the courage to sing :) This is something different, more personal, I think.

know what you mean. in the end everyone is looking at you as a singer.
Felix, I think you have a great voice dude! I also personally think that you can develop it even more over time with more jamming, practicing, etc. Maybe take a couple of lessons to learn breathing techniques, how to warm up, etc. Beyond that, I think your voice is grade A already! I say jump right in dude. That is, if you can sing and play guitar at the same time. :)
Thanks so much @Chryst and @ Joe :kickass: I´ll myself fall into adventure in the next time. I can play guitar and sing at the same time..but I think, it would be better, when I concentrate on singing only. Good guitarists are everywhere..especially here on the sneapster planet.

Your words mean a lot to me. Thanks for your helping me out to build my decision! The best would be producing a killer album with some fellow sneapsters and after that lotta live promotion :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Had my first gig ever as a singer, didn't bother me at all really... while the rest of the band were shitting their pants.

But that's the difference between us... you can sing, I can't! :lol:
when i used to perform, i was always nervous before a show. no matter how many times i've done it, singing for 20 people or 2000, i was nervous as hell. but once the music starts, all that nervous energy was channeled and fed my performance. it was awesome, how once the intro starts in, the music and the emotions that accompany it just took over. such a great high! i dont know how you felt performing on stage with other instruments (bass, guitar, etc) before, but hopefully you'll have the same luck.
when i used to perform, i was always nervous before a show. no matter how many times i've done it, singing for 20 people or 2000, i was nervous as hell. but once the music starts, all that nervous energy was channeled and fed my performance. it was awesome, how once the intro starts in, the music and the emotions that accompany it just took over. such a great high! i dont know how you felt performing on stage with other instruments (bass, guitar, etc) before, but hopefully you'll have the same luck.

Isn´t it a curse to wait the whole day until you can finally start singing on stage? I mean...this would probably kill me. I always hated this "waiting" until it starts..always made me crazy. I also know, I will be rewarded with a fucking great feeling similar with the best sex :D I would hate it, but this also is my dream.

I fucking enjoy the work in the studio..laying back, drinking coffee, being my own boss, drinking coffee, record some stuff, drinking coffee, playing a solo, drinking coffee, mixing the shit.

This is a dilemma.