'Damnation' review from SSMTB

Hahaha, I like this guy.

Relax, it's just his opinion, and he does an alright job backing it up. His writing style isn't bad either.

Not only that, I also understand him quite well. I love Opeth's new stuff, but it's different to their first 3 albums, which in my opinion are far superior, and are basically what got me into Opeth. And now we have Damnation. Damnation is a great album but some people are disappointed to hear Opeth produce something like this. I guess I'm one of them, because although I still love Opeth and their music, Damnation is a big punch in the face to someone who already felt like Opeth were heading off track.

edit: I'm not talking about ALL the reviews on that site, just the ones by Chedsey
I appreciate that Chedsey supports Coroner and 90's era Kreator, but he's got a blind spot for Opeth, failing to see their virtues and exaggerating their weaknesses. No big deal, but why continue to review a band you fail to appreciate and understand? If I were reviewing a band for the public, I'd make more of an effort to evaluate the music on its own terms and from the point of view of its fans. He seems to judge Opeth as the band he wants it to be, instead of as the band it and its fans want it be. (I said that kind of awkwardly but I hope my meaning's clear) I've read negative Opeth reviews which I thought were more fair and insightful.

The cat line is funny, I must admit.
Jim LotFP said:

Not possible in music reviewing.

I've read reviews where the guy didn't like the album, but said why he didn't, and said what few things he did like about it, and who might like it, rather than just bashing the thing.
I don't like Chedsey because he seems incapable of properly justifying his opinions. He love Orchid, Morningrise, and MAYH, thought Still Life was ok, then totally rags on BWP saying Opeth is pretentious and meandering and doesn't understand why people like them? FOR FUCKS SAKE, he openly enjoyed over half of their albums and randomly, as if on a whim, starts hating them and has a boner against them from then on? Its like he decided: 'Ooo, for this Opeth review I think I'll call them pretentious losers even though I've sung praise of them on three separate occasions'. What the fuck is the deal with that? And why does he have anti-Opeth grudge now?
I think Chedsey is more concerned with pissing off Opeth fans rather than truly trying to be objective about the music. He loves to bait the fans, then watch them react. Personally, I think he is more boring and predictable than the music he rails against. :Smug:

DoReMi said:
He seems to really like Morningrise. MAYH too.
There was a big talk on the message board about this...about the early albums, "Well, those reviews for the first two albums were written over half a decade ago. I don't hate them at all but I definitely have difficulty sitting through them now. " So yes. He really really really doesn't like Opeth, but he sort of goes to lengths to insult them. Maybe he thinks it's funny when fanboys get angry? I dunno. The topic "john's damnation review" on the forum on the site has probably all the insight available on the matter, but it's still not enough to really make any sense.
This thread SUCK.
Chedsey is possible one of the best reviewers ever.
I think you are the one that dont understand him and not him failing to understand Opeth.
I like Orchid,Morningrise,Mayh alot.But i also get very bored of Still life and Bwp.
Its you people thats crying out loud and calling him a bad reviewer cause he dont like your favorite band Opeth?
Give me a break..