NAD's favoUrite black metal album rules.

you'll find many refugees here from that board ...

we are all harmless here ... just watch for this MadeInNewJersey guy :loco:
Necromunchkin said:
Ha ha, thanks. It was a result of a night of Irish Whisky and trying to match up Ulver with The Wizard of Oz similar to Pink Floyd's "Darkside of the Moon"
oh wow, that sounds like something i should try someday.

and yes, i've choked it while on RC. i mean the porn is like two bookmarks to the left, so there you go.
i pretty much flow well with anything after that. and you just listened to Carcass and Swans, that settles it, you're my new favorite poster. :loco:
like hot chicks dressing up like dudes a la Robert Palmer videos, or some Rocky Horror bullshit?

because either way, coloUr me intrigued.
Yea anytime anyone asks a question or posts a semi-relevant thread on the Nevermore forum, the replies range from anime porn, to bestiality pictures, to a 12 page flame war because someone made one negative comment about someone else.