NAD's favoUrite black metal album rules.


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

"Part I" = :kickass:

That is all.

Actually, that's not all because "Part II" just started and that's equally brilliant. In fact, ALL the songs just stay consistently great throughout, even that instrumental.
I thought it was "Bergtatt". Which, of course, is 10/10. Haven't heard this one, only Bjoergvin or whatever.
dude check out how hardcore a Taake fan i am:

oh nevermind Botophucket is down. i was gonna show me sportin' the Vinyl Boxset Taake shirt at bland practice one night.

actually it's just this album really, i don't really like Boingvin and never heard Ddoibnood.
Nattens rules, but sorta drags toward the end. and Bergtatt is like, beyond black metal. too folky for me to just call it black metal. more Tull than Venom, or something.

It's all about "Part VII" really isn't it? I mean, it has THAT repeating 7 note melody, comes to a fade out stop, and then starts it again just to end the song.

Granted, there is a lot of BM that takes several listens (e.g. Deathspell O), but "Nattestid..." floored me on first listen, and has each time ever since. That said, I've never ventured beyond this with Taake.
Ha ha, thanks. It was a result of a night of Irish Whisky and trying to match up Ulver with The Wizard of Oz similar to Pink Floyd's "Darkside of the Moon"
heheh ... i like when people take their darkness ... well ... lightheartedly.

welcome to our lair btw !!!