Epic/Majestic Black Metal

I wouldn't call Hail epic or majestic...more like completely fucking evil. Necromantia had some epic tendencies.
I'll try to list stuff that hasn't been listed, but yeah, that Hades album is superb.

Abigor - Nachthymnen
A great, but often overlooked album. Their best.
I love this band. but I need this disk.

Bak De Syv Fjell - From Haavardstun
Short, but sweet.

Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Don't be a wimp and let the title scare you. This is supreme black metal art.
Mother fuck I want this!

Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction
His best in a long, long time. Epic and majestic and black metal

Helheim - Av Norron Aett
I really think you'll dig this.

Hirilorn - Legends of Evil and Eternal Death
Super long songs, melodic, epic, awesome!
Havent you been creaming about these guys for a while now?

Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
I thought I would hate it. It's beautiful

Poccolus - s/t
Great depressive, epic pagan black metal
Excellent album! Vargish vocals

other albums you'll dig:

Nagelfar - Hünengrab im Herbst
Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood
Setherial - Nord
Myrddraal - Blood on the Mountain
Geasa - Fate's Lost Son/Starside
Thanks for the recommendations everyone, there's loads of stuff in here I haven't heard before. I'm going to write them all down and make sure I check them all out.
The fact that absolutely none of them sound like Windir, however, will be quite enlightening to say the least. :hypno:

By the way, today it is snowing, and to add icing on the cake, we've got freezing rain. It's icy everwhere and everything looks sheet white. There is one album in this entire thread that matches this ambient scenery so perfectly....

yeah, it was the best stuff i'd heard from Kampfar. still left me wanting a bit more, though.

try Golden Dawn if you haven't already
definitely get the Myrkgrav CD

it's brilliant. totally what you're looking for

Re-listening to those Myrkgrav songs on their Myspace, and you're right, this actually pretty much is what I was looking for. Two of the things I like about Windir are their excellent use of melodic leads and occasional use of chanting like vocals and this band seem to do this too.

Just ordered it from Deathgasm. Man, I went on a bit of a hiatus of actually buying CDs recently, I forgot how good it feels and the excitement about getting it through the post!