The Viking Metal Artform - Roundtable Banter

NAD said:
I'm going to have to search my collection, but I don't think I have anything that qualifies... *feels cold and lonely*

C'mon NAD Flanders, admit you've got that Morrissey collection!!! :grin:

Man, I'm late to this thread..........

A lot of MANOWAR's stuff deals with Vikings, warriors (albeit in a metal sort of way!), etc. And you know where I stand there.

Amon Amarth, Bathory (although on certain days I just get a good chuckle..), first BORKNAGAR release, Enslaved, Malmsteen's "I Am A Viking"

I can't into too much of the stuff that sounds like In Extremo, with the flutes and "real" instruments... :ill:
JayKeeley said:
Get yourself some Falkenbach and Einherjer. You would love Norweigian Native Art.

Hokey kokey! NNA is Einherjer, isn't it? Name Falkenbach's most triumphant album and I shall add it to my Wanted list :)
Ayeka said:
Hokey kokey! NNA is Einherjer, isn't it? Name Falkenbach's most triumphant album and I shall add it to my Wanted list :)

Although there has been mention here of liking Falkenbach's first album over his second, I would honestly think that the second album is best to start with. It's just so epik. Review is here.

Ignore the piece about "where are they now" since Vakyas has just announced a new album on the horizon. Others may have some more details on that.

Regarding Einherjer, I would probably suggest Norwegian Native Art to be a good place to start, but I personally love Odin Owns Ye All. Review is here.

As mentioned earlier, Einherjer have a new album coming out. They also released some new MP3's recently on their website which are as astounding as anything else they've done. Worth a download for sure.
JayKeeley said:
Although there has been mention here of liking Falkenbach's first album over his second, I would honestly think that the second album is best to start with. It's just so epik. Review is here.

Wow....sounds like great shit! How much of it is actually guitar-based?
Have any of you heard Menhir or Rivendell?
Both on Skaldic Art, as you probably know. I've only heard Rivendell - their MP3's online. I thought it was good stuff. Heavilly Tolkien inspired. Check out Rakoth too. All branches from the Summoning tree. :)
Einherjer - Blot.

It's been out in Europe now since September 15th. It's on a tiny label called Tabu Recordings. Has anyone out there got it / seen it in the stores?
Sure 1184 & Likferd are good but Windir = Arntor , it's the only one you need if you're not in love with them
Dark One said:
Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta


That is all. :-)
This is definitely up there. It's strong all the way through, especially the last track, though they lifted some Bathory riffs straight out of Twilight of the Gods.

I think Falkenbach's debut is probably the best viking metal album. That is, unless you count Graveland as a viking metal band.

Hades' "The Dawn of the Dying Sun" is also a very solid album. ANy fan of Moonsorrow will love it.
When all is said and done, I think I would say that Falkenbach are the greatest viking band ever. And I won't even narrow it down to a single album just because all three are great in their own way. If you listen to all three together, it's like listening to a trilogy of sorts.

The other thing about Falkenbach is that the music is timeless. I need to be in a certain mood for Windir, Bathory, Thyrfing, Moonsorrow, etc, but Falkenbach I can listen to anytime.