Dan fucking ruels

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
im fucking wasted out of my mind! YEAAAAH DAN! even though the lineup had to change, i know youll get the best people for the job. HOWS MY TYPING> hahahah


y9ou guys ruled at the heathen crusade last year... 2 years ago? WHENVER IT WAS YOU DEMANDED YOUR DOOM GOD SELLF GOT MILK!

you just kick ass. youf vocal rules, your song structures just kick ass. never give up hope, man. i alwaywa look forward to hearing new stuff

fuck yeah, DAN.

haha i said "man" twice n a row. i kick ass.

buit yeah dan. you fucking rule. i cant wait fo rthe new shit. doom forever!
haha Dan... should I go post that "review" I did last time I got totally tanked?
Nah Dan. You asked me to kindly never, ever, go near your music again and especially not to let anyone hear that song. Figure Will is your bud and it might be good to show him a thread professing near-gay levels of love for you is nothing.

Oh and Will... I think we should start a band called SDFRGOUD OF BEALEVELMENT. It'd probably be a lot safer than driving!