Dan on the new Winds album


Jan 11, 2006
Winds is an incredible prog-neo-classical metal band. Any band that wants to do albums on things such as relativity and time just gets uber interest from me.

Dan is doing some guest vocals on their upcoming album. Dan how much do you sing on the album, and what do you think of the album compared to their other stuff in general?
Dan said earlier in this forum "I have supplied 2 vocalparts for this album. 1 clean and one growling!!!!!" can´t wait to hear these parts.
I agree, their last album was very boring and uninspired. Cant get into bands experimenting like crazy. Their older MCD on the other hand.. was not too bad.
I don't know...I liked the EP and the album, they are quite different from each other though...it does make you wonder where would they go from here
they could surprise us all for the better
I don't see how Winds "experiment like crazy," they're just metal and classical mixed together. They're a good band, but they don't experiment very much as far as I think.
Should be another awesome album then, everything Winds has done so far has been killer I think. I'm really into bands like Therion, Ayreon, Rhapsody, Star One, Dimmu Borgir, so Winds classically tuned metal is sweet music to my ears. I hope they experiment a bit more on the new release though because the last album sounded nearly identical to the debut...not a bad thing when you have your own genre/sound.
I've always felt Winds have never fulfilled their 'supergroup' potential, the sum of parts never quite added up. Hopefully this album will good.
The vocalist was the main thing that ruined older Winds stuff for me.

Dan can sure as hell fix that! (Even if its only for a couple of bits)
you heard right ;)

also, i hve to say that although i like the winds album, i really prefer age of silence's acceleration album. almost same group, except singer is different. hellhammer en andy winter and lars eric si are in it too.
Why is Dan growling on albums lately? Threshold, Winds, is this a trend? I was very disapointed in the new Threshold album. I really wanted to like that one. They are a band I respect.