Dan still in Diabolical Mazquerade?

paradoxile said:
Anders was more dominant so this can't be possibly his greatest work.
and yes Death's design is an awesome album...even Dag's on it.

so who gets to eat the turd now?

Dag was on it?? I didn't know that. Do you know any more details?

I don't think I should have to eat a turd though, not yet.
forget about the turd for a sec...
If you have the original cd(and I imagine you do)...in the credits it says

Lead guitar solos on "possession of the voodoo party","frenzy moods and other oddities","they come,you go","still part of the design-the hunt(part III)" and "the defiled feeds" by

that's Dag...the manliest man alive
Dag uses the same pseudonym in the Pan.Thy.Monium albums
Ah! I'm almost certain that I used to know Dag used that Pseudonym for the Pan.Thy.Monium CD's. My memory is no good anymore in my old age, though. So I may as well have learned this for the first time all over again. :hypno: I suppose I could dig out the jewel cases (actually a digi-pack for Death's Design) and check up on all this, but damn, that'd require work. Fuck it. I believe ya. Thanks. :Spin:
DM is great indeed, but as I've said previously in the case of Immortal:

It is very gay to make a definate end to a project or band just to reunite in a not very distant future :erk:
L0bster said:
DM is great indeed, but as I've said previously in the case of Immortal:

It is very gay to make a definate end to a project or band just to reunite in a not very distant future :erk:
It is, but I'm sure that isn't the case here. He thought he was done for good, it seems... but obviously, is not.