Dan Swanö returns as guest-host on SBtwS&S on July 19, 2011


DJ / musician / promotion
Sep 24, 2003
Ohio - USA
Tune in Tonight, July 19th as Dan Swanö returns as guest-host. Fresh off the OhioProg 2012 announcement, Dan Swanö will guest-host another Somewhere Between Sunrise & Sunset program. Dan first hosted the show in 2005 playing some of his favorite progressive, symphonic and pomp rock tunes. Set to air Tuesday, July 19, 2011, Dan will this time sit down with his iPod on shuffle. You certainly will not know what to expect. There could be lots of cool little gems in there, and there could be lots of unexpected tracks you would only hear with an iPod on shuffle. Of course all of them will be among his most favorite tracks. We are glad to welcome Dan back to the show as a guest-host and hope you will be able to tune into this exclusive event. Somewhere Between Sunrise & Sunset airs Tuesday nights starting at 10:00PM (EST) locally on the dial at 88.3FM, and worldwide from anywhere in the world online.

Thanks for tuning in. Sure was. Many thanks to Dan for guest-hosting again. Always a pleasure to have him on! I will post the playlist on the program site as soon as possible as well as try to get the show archived.
You are in luck sir. Visit the website


click on "Playlist Archive" and find program #410, click on "listen-archive" and the player is at the bottom of the playlist

The media player was being fussy so I couldn't get it uploaded until late last night. Enjoy everyone!

Many thanks again to Dan for taking the time for another wonderful guest hosted program. Him and Dag are of course always welcome to take over the airwaves!!! :rock:
You are in luck sir. Visit the website


click on "Playlist Archive" and find program #410, click on "listen-archive" and the player is at the bottom of the playlist

The media player was being fussy so I couldn't get it uploaded until late last night. Enjoy everyone!

Many thanks again to Dan for taking the time for another wonderful guest hosted program. Him and Dag are of course always welcome to take over the airwaves!!! :rock:

Thank you kind sir. I'll get right to it. :)