Another Swanö hosted show on WBWC!

if it was up to me Dag and Dan would have their own permentant show
and it would have the coolest name ever

GLANSDAGARNA med Dag och Dan Swanö
if it was up to me Dag and Dan would have their own permentant show
and it would have the coolest name ever

GLANSDAGARNA med Dag och Dan Swanö

Or maybe DOM FULA TENNISSOCKARNA med Dag og Dan Swanö :lol:


Genesis - Dancing On A Vulcano
Jethro Tull - Something's on the Move
(Commercial WBWC)
Unicorn - Hiding Again
Nightingale - The White Darkness
(Commercial WBWC)
Gamma - Fight To The Finish
Gentle Giant - In A Glass House
(Commercial WBWC)
Kansas - Lamplight Symphony
(Commercial/News WBWC)
- - Second hour - -
Yes - Close To The Edge
Kerry Livgren - Mask Of The Great Deceiver(feat. Ronnie James Dio)
(Commercial WBWC)
Black Sabbath - The Writ
Dust - From A Dry Camel
Tom Nouga/Dag Swanö - Han Börjar Tala Med Sig Själv
(Commercial/News WBWC)
- - Third hour - -
Deep Purple - Burn
Nutz - Seeing Is Beleiving
(Commercial WBWC)
Godley & Creme - Punchbag
Styx - Mother Dear
Queen - Prophet's Song
(Commercial WBWC)
New England - Hello, Hello, Hello
Starz - Violation
Legs Diamond - Rat Race
(Commercial WBWC)
10CC - Don't Hang Up
End Of Show
Oh yeah...I threw Dag's latest tune up in the second hour of the show because I needed more, why not throw Dag's tune into Dag's show :rock:
I think Dan's got a White Darkness mix/taster for me to put up on the mySpace, so it will be either that or the White Darkness song!

Again, I am glad everyone enjoyed the seems as if the recording of the show has been taken care of. If anyone still needs it I can try to put it together in mp3 format for anyone that still needs it. If someone has some permanent server space to use I can probably put it up (along with Dan's show) as a bulletin on the mySpace (since the link went down when the official site went off)

Thanks Allen and Dag for doing the show. And thanks to Tumn and Kenneth for making it available for download (I missed it when it was aired).

I'm listening to it right now with my 14 month old daughter in my lap. She really liked both Hiding Again and White Darkness (I love the new song too btw). The girl has good taste. :)
that makes Dag and Dan officially baby approved
Well... My son (in the pic with Dan on my avatar) has also liked Nightingale (it was so fun watching him headbanging to the music in his little car seat) ever since he was about 8 - 9 months old (he's 3 1/2 now)... So I'd say they have been officially baby approved for a while now. ;)

The Nightingale DVD has also been officially approved by my son. The first time I turned it on he was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, playing with his toys, while headbanging slightly. When the DVD was over he got up, walked over to me, pointed on the remote and said "Again! Again!". :)
you mean he said igen igen:grin:

that's great...this also means there should be baby swanö music like there's baby mozart...

it could sell well in baby stores as "Näktergalens Vaggsånger"