Another Swanö hosted show on WBWC!

AHH damn i missed part of the show..:S

anyway i really hope someone record this :)

and now lets keep:kickass:

( am i the only on ethat would like to hear Dag telling old children stories? i mean with the accent and all it would be very funny..... HAHAH)
AHH damn i missed part of the show..:S

anyway i really hope someone record this :)

and now lets keep:kickass:

( am i the only on ethat would like to hear Dag telling old children stories? i mean with the accent and all it would be very funny..... HAHAH)

You're not the only one... that would be absolutely priceless!
It's not letting me tune in. >:|

EDIT: Got it. But did I miss it? It's some news thing now.
Anybody have the one Dan hosted on file anywhere? I never got to hear it if somebody could send it to me.
again, in the other thread.

the show ROCKED and the song ROCKED. i hope i'll get another tomorrow when i wake up, it's 6 am now hehe, time for bed...
It won't be up till tomorrow, the show just finished. I have to edit out all the commercials and encode it to mp3, my file right now is about 3.5 GB. So it will be 500x smaller when I am done with it.
tumn, sleep is for pussies. me and ilan proved that. so get it out gd!

did they play other nightingale songs or just WD?
same here man....

dag. how did you send the show to WBWC? tumn made a rip but it's radio based and therefore crappy quality. if you have the entire show as a good mp3, would you be willing to share it with us? :) it will also save tumn the trouble of cutting out all the commercial crap :D
i don't know what they played or commercials
I still don't understand who's that Tom Nouga guy and isn't Dan and Dag the same guy?:p :lol: