Another Swanö hosted show on WBWC!


so who is the keyboardist? tuomas laahse if i hear correctly... can't find it right.

is there a tracklisting for the album yet? :) i know, i'm a greedy bastard :D

I love it.

Sounds pretty much as I expected it to sound, with Dag providing the melodies. The synth sound that repetively comes in both in the middle and at the end of the song sounds very much the same as the one used on "Ingenmansland" from the "Fõnster" album. Actually, the structure of what is played sounds alike!

This needs lots of spins to completely sink in. I find most of Dag`s melodies a bit more "distinct" and not as "straight-in-the-ear" as Dan`s. I spent half a year listening to Moonspell`s "Sin/Pecado" that followed up the amazing Irreligious - before it finally all came to me. Ever since its been one of my absolute favorites.

I`m hoping the rest of the White Darkness album is in the vein of the title track, this challenges the listener! I`d say this is a new turn for Nightingale, I`ve definately not heard them sound like this ever before.

Once again, Nightingale shows of their class! :rock:

Is the "every-chorus-on-WD-medley" far away? :p I need moooore!! Not Gary, but more!

If anyone wants the commercial free version, I just finished it and am uploading to Megaupload as well right now.
Hey everyone!

Thanks for listening to the show and all of the great comments and kind words! Glad everyone enjoyed it. I tried to promote it as much as I could on the internet, so hopefully some other folks tuned in as well...and I know there were TONS of people locally that were looking forward to this as a lot of people really enjoyed when Dan hosted. I was away at the RITES OF SPRING FESTIVAL ( over the weekend and then spent a few days in Atlantic City (I got two free nights, not a bad deal...), so I was away for the show last night. So it was a good night for Dag to take over! The rock was brought with fire last night!!!!! I think Dan and Dag might have to make this an annual event :kickass:
The next special coming up on the program will be the annual NEARfest special coming up towards the end of June.

It's awesome to have these guys want to do this show, Allen. So glad for it too because they pick some really good music! Doing this annually would rule, maybe even get Dan and Dag to co-host at the same time, twice the fun, twice the music, twice the insanity, and most of all - TWICE THE MANLINESS!