Daniel Seagrave...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
...Anyone seen his art?

He did the covers for 'Morbid Angel-Gateways to Annihilation', 'Gorguts - Erosion of sanity, and a shitload of others. I think he also did the cover for 'Morbid Angel - Altars of madness' aswell...

Daniel seagrave

This guy is awesome.
Ok, everyones heard of Frank Frazetta, but this site has heaps of his paintings, check out the conan series and the death dealer ones for some truly great masterpieces. Frank is one of the greatest artists ever, noone paints like he does. :)

well you should also check allmighty Luis Royo at www.luisroyo.com
I don't think he has a gallery there, but at least some covers of his books, but he's amazing really!!!
there's a flash stip is amazing taka a look :)