Danny and Vinny

Well, I don't know if this thread is really interesting for these anathemaniacs, but I don't know any easier way to make you know my opinion about this.

I'm spanish, and I use to read a metal magazine called Hell Awaits. You two, separately, gave some interview for one of their journalists, the unclean Olga Fuentes. It was.... really shameful. The gal said she was a fan of yours but I'd better think she was sent by Moonspell or something. She was a bully, she taunted you, wasted your whole career and pulled you to ridicule. I'm very angry at you two because you let'er undervalue your art, yeah, your art, Vinny even recognized and made jokes about Danny singing too bad, thing I disagree, and said he thinks Anathema hadn't really made anything brilliant in their whole life.

As an ending, I'd like to say if you're really wanting to get in the big sales, thing I strongly doubt, It'd be better you change your name as you say in the interview, cos Anathema is something special we have, and you have no right to trade it for a few pounds. I'd better preffer to play honest music and have real music admrers although I had to realize a humble job to survive, than to be a supersales clown.
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one can feel somewhat stupid if he likes "a natural disaster" very much and then reads that its author says (right after release) it's not very good. i do love new album and i wonder whether they really mean what they say in most interviews. anyway, the album just won't be commercial success as they effectively discourage people from buying it. that's for sure.
The Beloved said:
You two, separately, gave some interview for one of their journalists, the unclean Olga Fuentes. (...) She was a bully, she taunted you, wasted your whole career and pulled you to ridicule.
music press all over world is very big piece of shit, full of conceited self-loving pseudo-journalists. fuck it. do not buy it, do not support them. only some of underground zines/magazines are worth paying attention.
I don't give a fuck whether danny and vinny like the album or not. I really don't. I love the album, and that is enough for me.

I wouldn't want them to change the name, cause I like it that way, it's not that I think of the biblical curse when I hear the name Anathema, it has gained a much better meaning for me over the years than some stupid curse. But that's their band and their name, well whatever...
Sopel said:
music press all over world is very big piece of shit, full of conceited self-loving pseudo-journalists. fuck it. do not buy it, do not support them. only some of underground zines/magazines are worth paying attention.
i can agree with that...
and put on your ICQ from time to time i'll have something for you soon...
Everyting being said in this thread I agree with. Furthermore I agree with "fye" I don't think Anathema should ever change their name. And although the band's underevaluation of their work somewhat has a certain effect on the fans I don't really care, I really like the music, and i'll be happy as long as they keep making it
all in all, fye, falconspirit, you're right. it's all about having your own opinion.

and changing name? no! never! it would be stupid.

btw, let's finish discusion in this thread.
Changing the name would be extremely risky. Maybe sales could rise yeah, but they could lower as well. I have absolutely no idea why changing the name would mean instant success. Why would another name give them better promotion? The music is the same, but they start all over again. And most Anathema fans will obviously know about their name being changed, but some people won't.
fye said:
I don't give a fuck whether danny and vinny like the album or not. I really don't. I love the album, and that is enough for me.

I wouldn't want them to change the name, cause I like it that way, it's not that I think of the biblical curse when I hear the name Anathema, it has gained a much better meaning for me over the years than some stupid curse. But that's their band and their name, well whatever...
So you dont care about the bands intentions but you do care about the name 'Anathema'?
Magic word eh?
I don't care about the word Anathema, I care about the meaning it has gained for me over the years. Not so hard to understand now, was it? :Smug:
Anyway as "well whatever" should have suggested, I am not making a big deal out of it, it's their band after all.

And as for the intentions, if I like something I like it even if I am the only one who likes it.
it would be nice if they kept the name and the mainstream woke up to the band's great music. But if they feel they wanted to change the name so that they don't have any 'what ifs' running around in their minds in 10 years time, then I support them to do that
Why does everyone has an opinion like "they MUST change the name" or "they must NEVER change the name". I mean, ffs, both changing and keeping the name is totally acceptable. All I would like is to have this name thing been decided by the band and not by us -the fans- for that would be stupid. But then again can we get into anyone's mind and see if he changed/kept the name for money or because he wanted to?

And in the end, even if someone changes his band's name to get some more sales, why should I be angry/sad? Do I like their music? YES. Do I know if it really came from the heart or if it was just to get them money to pay their bills? NO. So, since I simply can't know the truth, I take what I like as some guys said, above. I mean, I love A.N.D. and so I don't really care if Danny or Vinny or anyone likes it.
Well, personally I believe that the only reason Anathema want to change their name is that "Anathema" relates them to metal and nowdays simply they dont play metal anymore. And it's true that you feel a little embarrased when you see anathema's cds amongst other cd of bands playing extreme metal. But after all I think that the decision is theirs. As for their latest release, I think that and is a good album, but not so good as afdte.
Feanor IV said:
Why does everyone has an opinion like "they MUST change the name" or "they must NEVER change the name". I mean, ffs, both changing and keeping the name is totally acceptable. All I would like is to have this name thing been decided by the band and not by us -the fans- for that would be stupid. But then again can we get into anyone's mind and see if he changed/kept the name for money or because he wanted to?

And in the end, even if someone changes his band's name to get some more sales, why should I be angry/sad? Do I like their music? YES. Do I know if it really came from the heart or if it was just to get them money to pay their bills? NO. So, since I simply can't know the truth, I take what I like as some guys said, above. I mean, I love A.N.D. and so I don't really care if Danny or Vinny or anyone likes it.
I care because Anathema means something for me. Anyway... Opeth is getting more mainstream, even though I (imho) think their name is pretty 'metal'.
fye said:
I don't give a fuck whether danny and vinny like the album or not. I really don't. I love the album, and that is enough for me.

I wouldn't want them to change the name, cause I like it that way, it's not that I think of the biblical curse when I hear the name Anathema, it has gained a much better meaning for me over the years than some stupid curse. But that's their band and their name, well whatever...

so right
if they change their name I'm willing to buy the rights to their old name and continue to make Anathema records heheheh. perhaps I could get Dazza to sing as well. :p