danny c questions

veil the sky

Lexicon V
Nov 22, 2001
Guildford UK
this is how danny c answered some completely bizzarre question asked him by 'green smarties zine' in this interview

how would you?

i think i might just start laughuing uncontrollably at him....

- Please comment on the following stuff :

1. Women : different than men. and essential to our species.

2. The Smiths : a good band from what i can tell.

3. Belgium : belgium is a good place for us to play. very good crowds, i like the noise they make!

4. Dead Man Dream : i wish Darren White all the best luck in the world. dead men dream are definateley better then the blood divine.

5. As ye sow, so shall ye weep : i hope karma does exist and i wish all the bad, false and selfish people get what they deserve. but they probably won't.

6. Manchester United : the best team in england in the last decade. arsenal are the only ones over here good enough do challenge them.

7. Tom Waits : Tom Waits is a great talent. i'd like to get pissed with him one night round an old piano...

8. Roger Waters' "In the Flesh" tour : Roger Waters deserves the last word on the pink floyd legacy. i am very sorry i missed him on that tour. i hope one day to see him and his band.