danny cavanagh solo acoustic/piano/spacey guitar gigs holland and belgium

toolsofthetrade said:
Hiya Vera, suppose you wont go and see Danny in Eindhoven den?
too bad, cos i dont think i can make it to Aalst, nor Apeldoorn... :cry:
hope yer alrite and that ;)
Sigh... I can only go to one concert this time, alas
But let me know about the Eindhoven gigs cause last year it was ace, even in another basement nearby
All the best from me ;) Vera
gothica777 said:
Sigh... I can only go to one concert this time, alas
But let me know about the Eindhoven gigs cause last year it was ace, even in another basement nearby
All the best from me ;) Vera
ah i see, too bad, would be well nice to chat with you again...
and, yeh i'll let u know ;)
how's yer man? :wave:
gothica777 said:
the Eindhoven gigs last year was ace,
yep, it was

i can't go to eindhoven this year cause we got the airguitarcontest (witch i'm gonna win) this friday
but i'm going to aalst and try for apeldoorn
Anyway, the owner of club negasonic just had a conversation on msn with me...
It's better for you mates to make some kind of reservation for the gig, you must send a mail to info@negasonic.com and write the amount of reservations you want for the Danny gig... Negasonic is only a 100 people venue, so be fast!!!! :)
LostLenore said:
If everything goes allright with the kids this week I'll be there too.
A pity I had to miss Breaklose, I was really looking forward to that, but the health of me kids comes first.
i really hope everything is(will be) alright with the kids, sandra

see you there! :)