danny cavanagh solo gig 28th december


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
hello everyone. i have somehow managed to blag a solo gig on the 28th december in apeldoorn, holland. entrance is free (but buy a drink!) there will be loads of acoustic versions of anathema songs, some nice doom piano stuff and a few covers. come round and have a night out. get off the net for a while!!!

its at
hoofdstraat 162,
7311 BC
(0031) (0) 55-5211865

come down then! and tell everyone you can!!
Originally posted by Strangelight
go and see Pagan live in Holland! Or are you too mainstream to go to free gigs?
Oh, and no soft drinks and NO smiling!

an audience like this ? ---->

Originally posted by Strangelight
:erk: :bah: :cry: :cry: :( :oops: :zzz: :ill: :eek:

nah, more like this! hehe

Those are like eight stages of finnish drinkin.. (from left to right, naturally)

-First you're pissed off and miserable so you get a few beers.
-Once you've wasted them you feel like whole world's against you. Pretty great feeling when drunk, eh?
-Then it all comes crashing down, so you put on anathema or whatever melancholic music and start weeping
-It didn't help, now yer face is just all swollen up
-So your sad and lonely and drunk. Get more beer and phone some girl you have a huge crush on. Mumble something really pathetic. (or the modern finnish -way, just send a shitloads of sms's)
-Soon you feel ashamed for everything you might've said (can't remember well). So off to the fridge and more booze.
-Gettin tired. Try to sleep.
-Room starts to spin around you the second you close your eyes.
-the last smiley is a stillpicture how you look like a microsecond before :puke:

so it's friday, huh?