Danny Tanner – The Finest Grind

I'm a huge fan of death/grind/experimental/etc. I must say Danny Tanner is absolutely terrible. Not even worth a review.
danny tanner kicks ass. they are greater than anything you will ever accomplish in your life.
Fuck Danny Tanner...you want some real Grind? Listen to some fucking Nashgul or Tu Carne!
holy crap!!!! these guys are amazing as all hell! i love theyre music and anyone who doesnt should listen better! ^.^
what the fuck crack you smoking? DT is one of the best if not the best of the grind bands ive heard in the last few years, pull that bullshit out of your ears and grow up from listening to your latest slipknot cds and your linkin park and go find real music..

Danny Tanner >you. end of story.
The sheer number of people coming out in such a short time to show their support for this band, and complete lack of put downs (outside of the initial completely unprofessional review, / I completely agree with the other poster who said the reveiw seems to be based out of a personal vendetta.. the babes hangin off of the finest grind, probable jealousy, no sense of humor... who knows) show how popular the band is and how much people care about the music.

Danny Tanner is a great band, with sweet a$$ songs, highly comedic sense of humor, and they are incredible people allways willing to help out there fans.

The band got bunch of their friends to make stupid post just so the name keeps up top of the list.
While bands like Opeth and Nightwish and other names that realy deserve a listen keep sliping down.

First off why is ultimate metal doing a grindcore review? Its probably some kid sitting at home on his computer who has nothing better to do and is too cool for myspace. He also probably has no musical knowledge or talent, just someone who think they knows it all cus he listens to music.However, in my opinion the best part of Danny Tanner is the vocals. The guitar riffs are a little cheesy and could be way more well put together and this band could possibly be one of the heaviest. The impossibly fast, off timing drums are sweet but also need work at the same time. DT is simply myspace hype, if it was not for myspace they would be just another band. But i would like this guy to post the names of some of these grindcore bands hes comparing them to. OVERALL- DT gets a 6 out of 10, write some heavier, better guitar riffs and now your talkin
Same person yeah?

yea dude, youre right, its all just been the same person commenting over and over and over again for...hours now...infact, he stayed up ALLL night commenting...get a life. For the record, Chris and I were completely happy with the review, obviously we thought it was harsh but we never wanted to 'get back' at ultimate metal at all, it was what it was. this all started when one of our fans from Illinois spoke his mind on your page and you had to be a <u>smart ass</u> in response...this is the first post either of us (danny tanner) has posted.

On the other hand, the strategy is working, lotsa viewws, lotsa responses and obviously more listes to the album. I'll be honest, I won't be checking album at all for 2 reasons.
1. Is that I don't like any sorts of grindcore, hardcore or w/e in that ganre. I'm ve doom/speed/classic metal type.
2. I do trust the reviews of people here. Maybe they'r bias somewhat but they tend to be right. To write a revew, you dont have to be a fan of sertain style of music, but you can make an educated review based on musical abilities and qualities of the band in comparison.
Some of you people really are stupid. Danny Tanner has some of the best grind I've ever heard and whoever wrote that review is a fucking moron.
Hehehe... I just wanna say one thing to this loser who wrote the review. THANK YOU DUMB ASS! You just made me dig Danny Tanner's music even MORE!!! HAHAHAHAHA... And oh, if you don't have a life, don't assume that other people are like you. Danny Tanner doesn't have to respond to your dumb ass review themselves. They have their army of fans to do it for them. You wanna see how many hot, sexy and LOYAL fans Danny Tanner has? Well, I suggest you don't. Because you'd be crying.

Loreley Ophelia's HEART is AWAKE
the person that decides how good or bad a band is are the fans. not you. you clearly dont know what grindcore is, as Danner Tanner are true Grind to the bone. so yo uwanna stop being soup your own ass and actually listen to this band! everyone i nthis thread have replied to you little "review" and have told you how good this band are. now sort your fuckin life out and actually stop being the biggest dick in the world.

from a true grindcore fan,

Danny Tanner – The Finest Grind
Manicidic – Man04 – 2007
By Ryan Starr


Why do I do keep doing this to myself?

LoL I cant believe that after almost 30 posts no one pointed that out. Nice job Ryan Star. DO yourself a favor and proofread. And maybe write a review that sounds like you listened to the album
the person that decides how good or bad a band is are the fans. not you. you clearly dont know what grindcore is, as Danner Tanner are true Grind to the bone. so yo uwanna stop being soup your own ass and actually listen to this band! everyone i nthis thread have replied to you little "review" and have told you how good this band are. now sort your fuckin life out and actually stop being the biggest dick in the world.

from a true grindcore fan,

How about - if a band doesn't want bad reviews, don't bother with press?
to be honest you clearly cant write a review to save your life. if i was you id just quit your job whilst your ahead. if you cant write about the good points and the bad points of a band then this prooves my point. man i mean seriously...even if i didnt like a band, i wouldnt base a review on all of the bad points, which you have obviously done. this shows how unprofessional you really are.

stop with the fuckin bitchyness cunt.

from a true grindcore fan,
