hi, I'm Hungarian, just registered and read Danny's "review".
I've been to the Budapest concert, and it has been a real _unique_ experience, a fantastic night.
The crowd filled the theater there were people in the doors and among us there were a few older ones, I guess parents of youngsters, or dunno.
first it was hard to imagine how one guy could replace the whole Anathema, but later on we realized that this concert is another story, with a similar, yet different feeling and it is not about replacing anything.
There were several strange things, and I mean it in a positive way, for example the crowd applauded after every song and in the end there was a burst of applause and 3 (or 4?) encore. And sometimes when Danny played the (electro-)acoustic guitar and sang it was like sitting by the fire even though there were hundreds of us. A local girl sang Zombie (Cranberries) and Break the silence (Depeche Mode) w/Danny, she was a bit uncertain, maybe had a bit of stage fright, don't know, all in all it was a nice part too.
And the encores included Wasted Years from Iron Maiden, One by Metallica(!) w/o the "Darkness imprisoning me..." part, both on piano
with gentle singing. Sounded like Anathema songs. 
However I don't remember They Die, but we got Dying Wish as the crowd wished it.
And people talked about a few secs of Manowar which I didn't recognize, as I have not much Mano-knowledge.
Anyway, I think Anathema (and its members) is and will always be welcome in Hungary.
btw in Resonance1, Angelica, live somebody from the crowd shouts (audible on the cd) "Hülye hosszúhajúak!" which means "Stupid long-haired ones".
I can paste a few reactions from Hungarian forums too if some of you are interested...

The crowd filled the theater there were people in the doors and among us there were a few older ones, I guess parents of youngsters, or dunno.
first it was hard to imagine how one guy could replace the whole Anathema, but later on we realized that this concert is another story, with a similar, yet different feeling and it is not about replacing anything.
There were several strange things, and I mean it in a positive way, for example the crowd applauded after every song and in the end there was a burst of applause and 3 (or 4?) encore. And sometimes when Danny played the (electro-)acoustic guitar and sang it was like sitting by the fire even though there were hundreds of us. A local girl sang Zombie (Cranberries) and Break the silence (Depeche Mode) w/Danny, she was a bit uncertain, maybe had a bit of stage fright, don't know, all in all it was a nice part too.
And the encores included Wasted Years from Iron Maiden, One by Metallica(!) w/o the "Darkness imprisoning me..." part, both on piano

However I don't remember They Die, but we got Dying Wish as the crowd wished it.

Anyway, I think Anathema (and its members) is and will always be welcome in Hungary.
btw in Resonance1, Angelica, live somebody from the crowd shouts (audible on the cd) "Hülye hosszúhajúak!" which means "Stupid long-haired ones".

I can paste a few reactions from Hungarian forums too if some of you are interested...