Dan's "best death metal related album" = C2 ?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
In a different thread, Dan has posted:

It's hard to please eveyone. I guess you like the parts of E.O.S. that I don't like, and there's not very much of it on C2. It's the best death metal related album I have ever written and I have had praising reviews of this album to last me a lifetime so a little negative slashing just feels natural.

I wonder if Dan considers Moontower to be a death metal related effort or just prog metal with harsh vocals? Also, since he is so pleased with C2, does he think he's outdone his favourite EOS release Unorthodox with Crimson 2? It is great that he feels happy about all the positive feedback he's been getting ever since the baby saw the light of day. :)
Well it's hard to guess what he thinks, I'll guess he'll say if its his favourite album. I'd say for me, choosing one of many albums that I had written, as a favourite, would be kind of hard due to the fact that at the time of the writing of some of the albums I would have had less musical experience than I would have when releasing a newer album. Dan Swano's work is like fine wine, it improves with age and Crimson II is perfect proof.
I wouldn't consider Moontower anything like a death metal album at least. I mean come on,without the growling vocals...the music isn't death metal at all.

I think that Purgatory Afterglow is his best death metal album. I dunno if you're asking for other's opinions but hell if I care :p The topic doesn't really say that anyway.

Still waiting for Second Sky after Alive Again. Also you (Dan) could answer the question about whether another Nightingale is coming up or not. EDIT: Oh shit fuck me sideways you've already answered the question. :p Sorry. EDIT #2: Hey you didn't answer the question about the new Nightingale,only about the live album! You terrible person...