Dark Funeral/Enslaved show jan 23rd, in Tempe, Az


Nov 22, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Discount tickets available for the show @ The Clubhouse on 1/23/07. email me at jake_rtm@yahoo.com to get tix, i'm in the opening band and discount tickets cheaper than anywhere else.

lineup is:
Dark Funeral
Abigail Williams
Red Tear Memory
saw this show in Montréal yesterday, all I can say is Enslaved are great but the other not so much.

Abigail Williams were ok for a pale imitation of Cradle of filth.

and Dark Funeral like on album... you've heard 2-3 songs you've heard them all, they are brutal/intense but all their song sound 100% the same.
Tempe is only a 1.5 hour drive from where I live and I'd love to see Enslaved but sadly I am broke.
saw this show in Montréal yesterday, all I can say is Enslaved are great but the other not so much.

Abigail Williams were ok for a pale imitation of Cradle of filth.

and Dark Funeral like on album... you've heard 2-3 songs you've heard them all, they are brutal/intense but all their song sound 100% the same.
Godhate does sound like 666 Voices Inside.:kickass:
I saw the show at BB King's in NYC. Enslaved slaughtered! I thought Abigail Williams was beyond horrible and I left before Dark Funeral played (as I am not a fan).
i'm heading over to my friend's house in about an hour and a half to drink some beers and then head on over to this show. i really hope it's good.

i'll maybe try to give some sort of review if i'm not too hammered (which i probably will be).
Here's a little bit I wrote about the show:

I knew Abigail Williams were going to suck just by looking at them. They had two metal looking guys (guitar and drums), two scene looking kids (vocals and guitar), a bass player that looked like he just got cut from the football team, and a keyboardist that looked like she should be working at Forever 21 or some other ridiculous fashion store! Bastards! This is not metal! They started playing and it only got worse. They were exactly what you expected from a band that looks like that; typical riffs, typical vocals, except the girl played seemingly random (and fucking loud!) dumbass keyboard parts over-top of everything else. Needless to say, after one or two songs, they were getting booed off the stage. I felt kind of bad for the poor fuckers. They really had no business being on this tour. This is a black metal show! But they did have fans, and what idiots they were! Never before would I have thought I'd see people slam dancing in Dark Funeral hoodies. These were also the same wannabe tough guys that started the mosh pits that about 5 people enjoyed while everyone else had to divert their attention from the show to fend off the silly ninnies. One barreling fucktard completely decimated some poor drunk guy that was standing near, me causing him to spill some of his beer on me. The guy couldn't even get up without the help of some others around him. Luckily, they played a short set and it was soon over.

Next up was Enslaved. This is what I came for! I moved a little deeper into the crowd, to find a better view and get as close as possible. I settled for a spot relatively near the stage. We waited patiently for Enslaved to come on. The crowd was getting really pumped (myself included). They came on and started rockin' the Norwegian way. It took me a bit to adjust to their live sound, and his vocals were a little weak at first, but it all settled in in time. I headbanged a lot (which I'm paying for with a sore neck today). Some stupid girl behind me kept touching me and I think she put an icecube or something down my back. She was bothering Lapresta and the guy next to me as well. Luckily, she disappeared after a while. Unfortunately, they played a lot of stuff from the album that I don't have, but it was still a very enjoyable show.

After Enslaved, we went back to their merchandise table and bought t-shirts. We moved back up to find a spot for Dark Funeral. We took a position near the back and off to the side because we didn't care about them so much. While we waited for them, we talked to some people around us and realized that up above there was some kind of dance club going on that had a window that looked down on where we were. It was funny cause it was such a huge contrast. Inner city black people nig dancing upstairs, and mostly white people (there were some black people) raging downstairs to evil music.

Finally, Dark Funeral came out in their ridiculous outfits, which must have looked really funny to the people upstairs. Their show was enjoyable, not because of their music, which was mostly constant blast beats and tremelo riffs, but because their singer was just fucking funny. At one point, the drum broke or something, so while they were fixing that some guy yells "PLAY A SONG ABOUT SATAN!" (which was funny in itself) so when they were ready to play again, the vocalist says "Ok, this is a song about Satan!" After a few songs, he says "Do you want to hear some more songs about Satan? Actually, this one is about a beautiful day!" Later on, after taking a large draft of Jager, he turns back to us and says "JAGERMEISTER IS GOOD FOR YOU!" All this combined with his over-the-top apparel and semi-drunk, Swedish accent was just extremely funny to me. After their set, they came back on for a 2 or 3 song encore. The show ended around 12:30. We made our way to the door.
Impudent pretty much sums it up.

we showed up a bit late and only saw 2 songs by Abigail Williams (which was a good thing). it was a fun show and it was my first time at the Oakland Metro. i really don't like that place and wish The Pound didn't shut down.

i was really surprised at how many people left after Enslaved finished up their set.

it was a good show, i'm not sure it was worth $30 (and $9 for parking) though.
I still have bruises from the last Dark Funeral concert I went here in greece.
You will most definately enjoy the show (addressing to the ones that will go).
TIP :When they play "Open The Fucking Gates" duck and dont headbang, you will lose your head.
But still worth the rush.
Have fun.