Dark Funeral/Enslaved show jan 23rd, in Tempe, Az

Oh, I agree beyond belief.

@ Impudent: You sum it up. Please professionally review shows.

Pretty much sums up their entire set in NY. So, cool to hear that they consistently sucked up their part of the tour. I felt bad for them as well... but I came to see fucking Enslaved, not some pussy with an greasy angled hair cut attempt death grunts.

Thanks for the compliment.

The only reason they were on this tour is because they're on Candlelight, and the only reason Candlelight signed them is so they could make money. These guys would be better off touring with other metalcore bands, or even opening for Cradle of Filth or something. At least they share something in common.
:) I was joking, because the whole "different strokes" is obvious, yet everyone brings it up when people challenge their tastes.

I'd take Putrid Pile over most bands in your sig, and I've heard one Putrid Pile song. Although as I type this, I realized one Putrid Pile song probably sounds like every other one :p
Putrid Pile is brutal death right?