Dark Funeral/Enslaved show jan 23rd, in Tempe, Az

Abigail Williams are like Cradle of Filth meets hardcore, or something.
On a whim I decided to check out the reviews of their EP Legend they have posted on their forum. I thought this sentence was somewhat hilarious:

"While bands like Cradle Of Filth have given the black metal scene a bit of a circus edge, it’s nice to see that there are bands like Abigail Williams who are more than willing to keep it raw."

Whoever wrote that review has no business ever reviewing a black metal record again.
On a whim I decided to check out the reviews of their EP Legend they have posted on their forum. I thought this sentence was somewhat hilarious:

"While bands like Cradle Of Filth have given the black metal scene a bit of a circus edge, it’s nice to see that there are bands like Abigail Williams who are more than willing to keep it raw."

Whoever wrote that review has no business ever reviewing a black metal record again.
That's depressing.

Sorry, Hub, didn't take any.
Abigail Williams isn't very good, part of just plain sucks,the symphonic parts are good, the vocals are good, basically a 3/10 band, not something I'd buy or here.
The symphonic parts were actually probably the worst thing about them.
Hell yes. Symphonic shit mostly makes me want to vomit. There are very few cases in which I enjoy it. I used to be real into symphonic stuff when just getting into metal, but not anymore.
Hell yes. Symphonic shit mostly makes me want to vomit. There are very few cases in which I enjoy it. I used to be real into symphonic stuff when just getting into metal, but not anymore.

Different strokes for different folks, eh?
On a whim I decided to check out the reviews of their EP Legend they have posted on their forum. I thought this sentence was somewhat hilarious:

"While bands like Cradle Of Filth have given the black metal scene a bit of a circus edge, it’s nice to see that there are bands like Abigail Williams who are more than willing to keep it raw."

Whoever wrote that review has no business ever reviewing a black metal record again.

Oh, I agree beyond belief.

@ Impudent: You sum it up. Please professionally review shows.

They had two metal looking guys (guitar and drums), two scene looking kids (vocals and guitar), a bass player that looked like he just got cut from the football team, and a keyboardist that looked like she should be working at Forever 21 or some other ridiculous fashion store! Bastards! This is not metal! They started playing and it only got worse. They were exactly what you expected from a band that looks like that; typical riffs, typical vocals, except the girl played seemingly random (and fucking loud!) dumbass keyboard parts over-top of everything else. Needless to say, after one or two songs, they were getting booed off the stage. I felt kind of bad for the poor fuckers. They really had no business being on this tour. This is a black metal show! But they did have fans, and what idiots they were! Never before would I have thought I'd see people slam dancing in Dark Funeral hoodies.

Pretty much sums up their entire set in NY. So, cool to hear that they consistently sucked up their part of the tour. I felt bad for them as well... but I came to see fucking Enslaved, not some pussy with a greasy angled hair cut attempt death grunts.